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TPR Updates:

Announcement Regarding IDS2020: Due to global concerns regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) and how it may impact travel and participants’ health and well-being, the IDS 2020 organizers, in consultation with Professor Arun Mujumdar, have made the difficult decision to postpone IDS 2020 to the year 2021.  The new dates for IDS 2021 will be posted on the website (https://wp.wpi.edu/ids2020/) as soon as they get confirmed.

Quote of The Week:

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.”

– Mae Jemison

Transport Processes Research Group was established by Professor Arun S. Mujumdar about twenty years ago while he was Professor of Mechanical Engineering at NUS, Singapore. It is noteworthy that the Faculty of Engineering is ranked fourth in the world by US News & World Reports in 2020.

Initially, the group consisted of his research students, postdoctoral fellows at NUS as well as his former students and research associates at McGill University. Also included were his mentees from several universities in China, India, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, etc. Over the past decade, the group membership has grown to include collaborators from some twenty countries who have a research interest in transport phenomena and material science as well as mathematical modeling of diverse engineering systems. Professor Mujumdar is the principal mentor of this group who is happy to provide guidance to research students as well as young faculty.

The TPR group represents an informal multi-disciplinary global team of researchers interested in collaborating in diverse areas involving transport phenomena of fluid mechanics, heat, and mass transfer. The group is very active in archival publications resulting in a large number of peer-reviewed papers, books as well as free e-books. Currently, active areas include novel Industrial drying technologies, food processing, nanofluids, mathematical modeling, etc. General themes such as innovation, higher education, R & D policy, etc. are also of current interest. Significant collaborative research projects exist with academic institutions in China, India, and Thailand. Outcomes are available in the form of peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals and books.

We hope this site will continue to serve the needs of our regular and new visitors. The objective of this effort is to provide free access to numerous resources not limited to drying science and technology. As in the past, we will continue to cover many areas of basic and applied research and development in transport phenomena, material science, chemical and food engineering, energetics, etc. Another mission is to develop a network and provide opportunities for global collaboration and cooperation to members of the TPR group as well as visitors to this site. As one can see from the publication data and drying literature resources, the TPR group has been truly global and highly productive. We plan to update the site regularly so that it will be useful to the visitors for updates in areas of their interest. We welcome feedback from visitors.

Please send your feedback/suggestions to Shivanand S. Shirkole at shivanandshirkole@gmail.com.

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