TPR News

May 02, 2020

  • Click here for the top 100 authors who have published in Drying Technology Journal, 1982 through May 2, 2020. (Date accessed: May 02, 2020).
  • Click here for Professor Mujumdar’s publications in the Drying Technology Journal from 1982 through May 2, 2020. Over 3700 peer-reviewed papers have appeared in the Drying Technology journal since its inception in 1982. About 180 papers are published annually in 16 issues. (Date accessed: May 02, 2020).
  • Click here for the top 100 authors who have published articles on drying in all journals. (Date accessed: May 02, 2020).
  • Click here for Professor Mujumdar’s publications on drying published in all journals. (Date accessed: May 02, 2020).

December 14-17, 2019

  •  The 10th  Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC2019) was successfully organized by the National Institute of Technology Rourkela (Odisha), India on December 14 to 17, 2019 at Lukshmi Vilas Palace, Vadodara (Gujarat), India.
  • The conference was inaugurated in the presence of Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar, Founding Chair of the Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC) Series and International Drying Symposium (IDS) Series; and Professor Vijaya Raghavan of McGill University, Montreal, Canada as a guest of honor.
  • The conference received 152 abstracts from 17 countries (09 Asian countries and 08 Non-Asian countries). There were two plenary sessions and 14 oral sessions with a total of 44 oral presentations and 16 keynote lectures. Additionally, 67 posters were presented in four-poster sessions as well as active participation from 17 companies as listeners. A total of 163 delegates participated, out of which 124 were from academic and research organizations and, 39 from industries (Participant pic).
  • Professor Arun S. Mujumdar and Professor Vijaya Raghavan delivered the plenary lectures entitled “Innovation in Drying Technologies – Status, Needs and Opportunities” and “Capacity Building for Sustainable Food Security and Safety”, respectively. The delegates were motivated by the innovative and visionary ideas of the plenary speakers about drying technologies and sustainable food security.
  • The Arun S. Mujumdar medal was presented to Prof. Timothy G. Langrish of the University of Sydney, Australia. The lifetime achievement awards were presented to Prof. B. N. Throat of Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India; Prof. U. S. Shivhare of Panjab University, Chandigarh, India; and Mr. J. T. Patel of Twin Engineers, Vadodara, Gujarat, India for their outstanding contribution to drying and dehydration. Award certificates were also presented to the following researchers.
  • – Outstanding contribution to the promotion of drying technology via editorial processing of free e-books: Dr. Sachin V. Jangam, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • – Outstanding effort in advancing drying R&D in Asia and excellent contribution to food drying technologies: Dr. Hong-Wei Xiao, China Agricultural University, China.
  • – Outstanding innovative research in food drying science and technology: Dr. Min Zhang, Jiangnan University, China.
  • – Outstanding contribution to drying science and technology: Dr. Dong Chen, Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
  • – Outstanding contribution to the promotion of drying R&D in Asia: Dr. Parag P. Sutar, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India.
Additionally, the award committee of ADC2019 selected the best oral presentation and the best poster presentation. CRC Press presented the winners with a copy of the 4th edition of the acclaimed Handbook of Industrial Drying. The winners are:
Best oral presentation:
  • Shirkole S. S., for the paper entitled “Microwave and Infrared Assisted Drying Cum Sterilization of Food Products: Equipment and Process”.
Best poster:
  • Lavanya M. N., for the poster entitled “Development and characterization of bromelain dry powder using spray freeze drying for pulmonary delivery”.

August 10, 2019

  1. A new ebook on Food Security: The role of Climate Change and Technology, has been uploaded on the e-books page of this site. It can be downloaded free. Please inform your contacts in any discipline about its free availability.
  2. The 10th AsiaPacific Drying Conference will be held in Vadodara, India, December 14-17th. Over 135 technical contributions including a significant Keynote program is organized. Industry participation will be at a very high level as well. Visit the conference site for details and registration.
  3. IDS2020 will be held in Worcester, MA, the USA in June 2020. Visit their website for details.
  4. A number of new books have been published during 2019 under the CRC series entitled Advances in Drying Science and Technology. Five additional titles are under preparation for release in late 2019 and early 2020.

July 10, 2019

Greetings from Chicago…!!!

  1. Two books in the CRC Advances in Drying Science and Technology Series credited by Prof Mujumdar will come off the press in the month of July.  Additionally, two more books will appear before the end of 2019.
  2. ADC2019 is the 10th event in the series founded by Prof Mujumdar in 1997. It will be held in Vadodara, India during December 14-17, 2019. It is supported by several major industries. Over 12 keynote lectures will cover advances in drying. About 120 papers will be presented.
  3. A Drying conference will be held in Morocco in February 2020 where Prof Mujumdar will deliver a plenary lecture.
  4. IDS2020 will be held in Worcester, MA in June 2020.

August 17, 2018

Greetings from Chicago..!!!

  1. A book recently launched in Mumbai – vol 2 of the set of two – includes a detailed biography of Prof. Mujumdar. This set consists of biographies of about thirty non-resident Indian professionals currently in the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, etc. They are natives of the state of Maharashtra. These books are published in English as well as Marathi. They are distributed freely in about a thousand high school and college libraries with the goal of inspiring the youth. They will also be available in e-book format. This unique project is an initiative of the authors Suneeta Ganu and Anand Ganu currently living in California. The following shows the cover of vol 2 of Garje Marathi.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will present the Plenary Lecture at IDS2018 in Valencia, Spain in September 2018. He will summarize the role of the IDS series and Drying Technology journal played in promoting R&D in drying around the world.
  3. Several new titles are being prepared in the CRC book series. Also, an e-book on Food Security is being prepared for release by the end of 2018. IDS2018 will be held in Valencia on September 11-14, 2018. This completes 40 years of a successful global run following the first one held at McGill University in Montreal in 1978.

May 15, 2018

  1. IDS2018 will be held in Valencia on September 11-14, 2018. This completes 40 years of a successful global run following the first one held at McGill University in Montreal in 1978.
  2. This year also marks three decades of Prof. Mujumdar’s editorship of Drying Technology. The journal has transformed into a Q1 peer-reviewed journal with 16 issues per year from just two thin camera-ready issues started in 1982. For details see recent issues of the journal.
  3. Here are some approximate statistics on the outcomes of the post-retirement professional activities of Prof. Mujumdar.Some stats listed below will give a general idea of the outcomes. (Not complete. Since 2014)
    Program Chair/organizer/ keynote/Plenary lecturer 7
    Editor of the journal with 16 issues per year ( 180 refereed papers from approximately 600 submissions per year)
    Four co-edited books appeared during 2014-2018
    Approx 120 refereed journal papers, 20 book chapters, 15 editorials, etc.
    Reviewed over 100 papers for various journals
    Reviewed 10+ Research proposals for granting agencies
    Examined 10+ Ph.D. theses for various universities
    Evaluated promotion/ tenure dossiers for several universities
    Co-advisor for 10+ PhD students
    Series Editor for CRC – 10 books published or in the pipeline.
    Coeditor of two titles to appear in 2019.
    Mentoring numerous faculty/ grad students internationally
  4. A new e-book on Food Security is under preparation for completion by end of 2018.

March 30, 2018

  1. TPR Group is delighted to note the nomination of Dr. R A Mashelkar- a close associate of Prof. Mujumdar for fifty years- to the Panel of Judges for the Queen Elizabeth Prize in Engineering worth one million pounds. This is the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Sciences.
    Prof Mujumdar edited with Dr. Mashelkar 11 volumes in the series Advances in Transport Processes ( Wiley, Hemisphere, Elsevier) during 1980-1990. Congratulations on this great honor!

January 10, 2018

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will visit Hong Kong Polytechnic University and KMUTT January 17-January 26th, 2018.
  2. Four new titles will appear in 2018 in the CRC Series edited by Prof. Mujumdar. Additionally, five more titles are at various stages of proposal preparation. Potential authors of monographs and edited works that fit within the scope of the series are invited to contact Prof Mujumdar.
  3. A new e-book dealing comprehensively with diverse issues of Food Security is being coeditors by Drs Hong Wei Xiao, Sachin V Jangam and Rachna Sehrawat. This ebook will be of global interest with international authorship. It will be available for free download before the end of 2018. A critical review on the Role of Drying in Global Food Security is also being prepared for publication.
  4. IDS2018 marks 40 -year anniversary of the widely acclaimed IDS series established by Prof Mujumdar in August 1978 at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. A special issue of the Drying Technology journal is being guest-edited by Prof Dong CHEN of Soochow University, China and Prof S Devahastin of KMUTT, Thailand.
  5. Prof Mujumdar published 25 refereed journal papers during 2017.
  6. A comprehensive book on Food Dehydration Technologies edited by Drs Nema and Bar of Niftem, India and Prof. Mujumdar will be published by CRC Press in 2018.
  7. The 12th WFCFD will be held in Mumbai in February 2018. IDS2018 will be held in Valencia, Spain in September 2018. Abstracts deadline is January 2018. ADC2019 will be held in Mumbai in November 2019.
  8. Plans are underway for 5th edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying. A significant number of chapters will be replaced and several new chapters will be added to update the content.
  9. Prof. Mujumdar will give a seminar on Nanotechnology in Food Processing at KMUTT in January 2018. Also, he will present a talk on Academia- industry interaction- A personal perspective, at Western University, London, Ontario, on March 26, 2018.
  10. Five critical review articles on various topics of current interest will appear in the Drying Technology journal.

December 23, 2017

  1. TPR Group is delighted to congratulate Sachin S Jangam for his most well-deserved promotion to Senior Lecturer at The National University of Singapore (NUS). As is well known, NUS is a top-ranked global university.
  2. TPR is also pleased to note that Associate Editor, Drying Technology, Dr. Benu Adhikari of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology ( RMIT) has been promoted to Full Professor.

December 20, 2017

  1. Please note IDS2018 will be held in Valencia in September 2018 one week ahead of the week previously announced. Please check the IDS2018 website for details.
    IDS series established at McGill University in 1978 by Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar is a truly global forum that has been meeting successfully every two years without a break. Following is the list of venues of the symposium venues through 2018.
    IDS 1978: Montreal, Canada
    IDS 1980: Montreal, Canada
    IDS 1982, Birmingham, UK
    IDS 1984, Kyoto, Japan
    IDS 1986, Cambridge, MA, USA
    IDS 1988: Versailles, France
    IDS 1990, Prague, Czech Republic
    IDS 1992: Montreal, Canada
    IDS 1994: Gold Coast, Australia
    IDS 1996: Krakow, Poland
    IDS 1998: Halkidiki, Greece
    IDS 2000: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
    IDS 2002: Beijing, China
    IDS 2004: Sao Paulo, Brazil
    IDS 2006: Budapest, Hungary
    IDS 2008: Hyderabad, India
    IDS 2010: Magdeburg, Germany
    IDS 2012: Xiamen, China
    IDS 2014: Lyon, France
    IDS 2016: Gifu, Japan
    IDS2018: Valencia, Spain
    Except for IDS1978, IDS1980, IDS1986 and 1992 for which he was the Program Chairman and Organizer, he has been the Honorary President of all other symposia in the IDS series.
    TPR Research Team wishes all visitors the very best of happiness, health, and success in 2018!

December 10, 2017

  1. Research
    Collaborative research with McGill University,
    Jiangnan University, China Agricultural University, Jilin University, KMUTT, NIFTEM
    Drying Technology-An International Journal, Taylor & Francis, NY. 16 issues, Editor-in-Chief.
    Food Drying Technologies vol III, ed. New Delhi (book)
    Honorary President, AsiaPacific Drying Conference, Wuxi, China, Sept 2017
    Honorary President, IDS2018, Valencia, Spain, September 2018.
    Series Editor, CRC Series on Advances in Drying Science and Technology, 4 Books in 2017.
    Reviewer for several journals; granting agencies, Ph.D. theses, promotion/tenure applications, etc.
    20+ peer-reviewed publications; 2 book chapters; 4 Conference papers, one edited book; two books in CRC series ongoing.

December 2, 2017

  1. Note that IDS2018 will now be held one week ahead of the dates previously announced since a big event that attracts over 22,000 was announced the week IDS was originally planned causing hotel and other costs to jump up to twofold. Please note the new dates.
  2. Just received this announcement:
    Your IntechOpen author network keeps growing stronger!
    We are happy, and proud, to announce that 54 IntechOpen authors have made 2017 Highly Cited Researchers list – ranking them in the top 1% most cited!
    This is a tribute to our TPR network members for their highly productive research over the years. Keep up the momentum!

October 20, 2017

  1. We are pleased to note that members of TPR have two new book projects approved by CRC for publication in the Advanced Drying Science and Technology Series. One is entitled Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media (Ed. Profs. Xu Peng, Agus Sasmito and Arun S. Mujumdar) and the other is entitled Advanced Drying Technologies for Foods ( Ed. Profs. Hong Wei Xiao and Arun S. Mujumdar). Three new titles in the CRC series have been published in September/October 2017. Two more proposals are the final stages of approval.

October 17, 2017

  1. With the release of Part 3 volume of the set entitled Drying Technologies for Foods published in India this month, this three-volume set is available to order.
  2. The book in Chinese entitled Food Drying Technologies for highly efficient high-quality products was presented ADC2017 Book Award at ADC2017 in Wuxi, China. Earlier this book based on a series of Ph.D. theses st Jiangnan University co-advised by Prof Mujumdar with Prof Min ZHANG received a national level book award in China in 2016.
    Click here for information on the books and the award.

October 15, 2017

  1. ADC2017 was held very successfully in Wuxi in September 2017. Click here for a short report on this 9th Asia-Pacific Conference. ADC2019 will be held in Mumbai in October 2019.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar gave a Plenary Lecture at the Colombian Mechanical Engineering Conference in Bucaramanga, Colombia in October 2017. He visited the National University of Bogota as well. There is a growing interest in the Drying of fruits and vegetables there along with obvious interest in Drying/roasting of coffee and cocoa beans.
  3. Two new books have just been published by CRC Press in the series on Advances in Drying Science & Technology edited by Prof. Mujumdar. Aside from the six books in production four additional titles are at the proposal stage for publication in 2018. See the CRC website for a current listing and ordering information.
  4. Abstracts deadline is fast approaching for IDS2018 in Valencia. Spain. Please visit their website for details.

September 25, 2017

From Wuxi, China

  1. The 9th ADC promises to be a great success with over 220 presentations packed in two long days followed by industry site visits and visit to Wuxi Supercomputer Centre which houses the fastest computer in the world.
    ADC includes 120 oral and 80 poster presentations with strong industry participation and sponsorship.
    We hope the 10th ADC scheduled for Mumbai in November 2019 will also attract strong industry and international participation.
    For PPT of Prof. Mujumdar’s Plenary lecture please click here.

August 18, 2017

  1. Drying Technology journal has formally awarded Certificates of Appreciation to the following TOP 20 reviewers for their outstanding service as referees for the journal. Dedicated professional service of peer reviewers is critically important to maintain the quality and impact of what the journal publishes. The journal also recognizes the service of over 500 reviewers from scores of countries for their continuing service.

TOP 20 Referees for Drying Technology

1. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin, King Mongkut’s University, Thailand.

2. Dr. G.S.V. Raghavan, McGill University, Canada.

3. Dr. Tadeusz Kudra, Dalhousie University, Canada.

4. Dr. Stefan Jan Kowalski, Poznan University of Technology, Poland.

5. Dr. Somkiat Prachayawarakorn, King Mongkut’s University, Thailand.

6. Dr. Alex Martynenko, Dalhousie University, Canada.

7. Dr. Fabiano Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil.

8. Dr. Shusheng Pang, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

9. Dr. Yoshinori Itaya, Gifu University, Japan.

10. Dr. Chung-Lim Law, University of Nottingham, Malaysia.

11. Dr. Benu Adhikari, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia.

12. Dr. Min Zhang, Jiangnan University, China.

13. Dr. Sachin V. Jangam, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

14. Dr. Agus P. Sasmito, McGill University, Canada.

15. Dr. Meng Wai Woo, Monash University, Australia.

16. Dr. Hong-Wei Xiao, China Agricultural University, China.

17. Dr. Azharul Karim, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

18. Dr. Zhongxiang Fang, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia.   

19. Dr. Zhanyong Li, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China.

20. Dr. M.U.H. Joardder, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. 

August 11, 2017

  1. Response to ADC2017 to be held in Wuxi, China next month has been excellent. Of special interest is the significant industry participation in this event.
  2. Several books have already been published in the CRC series on Advances in Drying Science and Technology. The following information should of interest to readers working in the Foods area. Most books published by CRC are available in electronic format.
    Here are links to some of the books.
    The recently published Zhang et al handbook is also available at
    And here is the old book on CRC Netbase system, though you might not have access if your facility does not have a subscription:
    What’s great about the above net base is that if you subscribe to FoodNetBase when you search on a term it searches throughout the 400 or so books that comprise the Food Net Base.
    Hope this information is useful.

June 28, 2017

  1. Delighted to reconnect with two of my grad students from the ’80s! Dr. Anil S Menon is a ‘real’ doctor. After MEng and Ph.D. in ChE and PDF in biomedical Engg at U of Toronto, he specialized in pediatrics and cardiac surgery and practices in Toronto with his own clinic and two hospital appointments! He coauthored with me the first chapter of the first edition of my Handbook of Industrial Drying (1984). A highly viewed and used reference. He lives just a few minutes’ drive from our residence. This connection was enabled by another early contact – Dr. H. Muralidhara who was VP with Cargill R& D in Minneapolis and with Battelle labs in Columbus prior to that. Also in the close neighborhood is Dr. Hamid Rabie who did his Meng /Ph.D. with me and late Prof Weber on intermittent electroosmosis. He was VO with Zenon which was acquired by GE. He is an internationally recognized expert in membrane wastewater treatment. Delighted indeed to reconnect with both. Looking forward to regular contact with all three. Indeed a very small world!
  2. I look forward to meeting Agus Sasmito and Hugo GAO at McGill during a long weekend visit to Montreal later this week.
  3. Handbook of Vegetable and Fruit Products edited by Zhang, Bhandari, and Fang has come off the press. The fourth book in CRC series on Drying Science and Technology. Congrats to Editors and authors.

May 07, 2017

Following represents the highly productive outcomes of research cooperation involving co-advising Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers at Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. It covers the last 5 years although the cooperation started 17 years ago and was marked by very significant Industry-academia cooperation.
List of jointly published papers in the last 5 years (44 co-authored papers):

1) Yingqiang Wang,  Min Zhang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Influence of banana flour substitution for cassava starch on the nutrition, color, texture and sensory quality in two snack foods, LWT – Food Science and Technology, 47: 175-182,2012 (2015 IF2.711);

2) Lue-lue Huang, Min Zhang*, Li-ping Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Dong feng Sun, Influence of combination drying methods on nutritional quality, texture, aroma, and microstructure of apple slices, LWT – Food Science and Technology, 47:183-188,2012 (2015 IF2.711);

3) Lue-lue Huang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Trends in development of dried vegetable products as snacks, Drying Technology, 30(5):448-461,2012(2015 IF1.854)

4) Yuchuan Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdarb, Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, S.M Roknul Azam, Tazu, Effect of blanching on microwave freeze-drying of stem lettuce cubes in a circular conduit drying chamber, Journal Of Food Engineering, 113(2): 177–185, 2012 (2015 IF3.199)

5) Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Mujumdar, A.S., Mothibe, K.J. Experimental Investigation and Mechanism Analysis on Microwave Freeze Drying of Stem Lettuce Cubes in a Circular Conduit, Drying Technology, 30 (11-12), 1377-1386, 2012(2015 IF1.854)

6) Peng Liu, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Comparison of three microwave-assisted drying methods of re-structured purple-fleshed sweet potato particles, International Journal Of Food Science And Technology,47(1):141-147,2012 (2015 IF1.504)

7) Yingqiang Wang, Min Zhang *, Arun S. Mujumdar, Effect of cassava starch gel, fish gel and mixed gels and thermal treatment on structure development and various quality parameters in microwave vacuum-dried gel slices, Food Hydrocolloids, 33:26-37,2013 (2015 IF3.858)

8) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang *, Arun S. Mujumdar,  Rui-Xin Lim, Analysis of temperature distribution and SEM images of microwave freeze-drying banana chips, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(5):1144-1152,2013 (2015 IF2.574)

9) Yingqiang Wang, Min Zhang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, Quality Changes of Dehydrated Restructured Fish Product from Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) as Affected by Drying Methods, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(7): 1664-1680, 2013 (2014 IF2.691)

10) Lingyu Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Yingqiang Wang, Chengpei Zhu, Restructured Crispy Fish Cubes Containing Salicorniabigelovii Torr. Developed with Microwave Vacuum Drying, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 22(3): 226-240, 2013(2014 IF 0.688)

11) Wei-Qiang Yan, Min Zhang*, Lue-Lue Huang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Influence Of Microwave Drying Method On The Characteristics Of The Sweet Potato Dices, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 37:662–669,2013(2014 IF1.159)

12) Juan Wan, Min Zhang *, Yingqiang Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Wang Yong-jun, Drying kinetics and quality characteristic of slightly salted grass carp fillets by hot air drying and vacuum microwave drying, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 22(6):595-604, 2013(2014 IF 0.688)

13) Yuchuan Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, Microwave-assisted Pulse-Spouted Bed Freeze Drying of Stem Lettuce Slices -Effect on Product Quality, Food and Bioprocess Tech. , 6(12): 3530-3543,2013 (2014 IF2.691)

14) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang*, Yin Liu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Huihua Liu, The energy consumption and sensory evaluation of freeze/microwave freeze subsection desiccation banana chips, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 9 1:464–472,2013 (2015IF2.687)

15) Qing-ran Zeng, Min Zhang*, Benu P. Adhikari, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Effect of drying processes on the functional properties of collagen peptides produced from chicken skin, Drying Technology,31(13-14):1653-1660, 2013 (2015 IF1.854)

16) Wen-lin Tang, Min Zhang*, Benu Adhikari, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Effects of preparation and drying methods on the antioxidant activity of enzymatically hydrolyzed porcine placenta hydrolysates, Drying Technology, 31(13-14):1600-1610, 2013 (2015 IF1.854)

17) Yuchuan Wang, Min Zhang, Benu Adhikari, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Bing Zhou, The application of ultrasound pretreatment and pulse-spouted bed microwave freeze drying to produce desalted duck egg white powders, Drying Technology, 31(15):1826-1836, 2013 (2015 IF1.854)

18) Yuchuan Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, S.M Roknul Azam, Study of Drying Uniformity in Pulse-Spouted Microwave-Vacuum Drying of Stem Lettuce Slices with Regard to Product Quality, Drying Technology, 31(1):91-101,2013 (2015 IF1.854)

19) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, and Rui Xin Lim, Changes of microwave structure/ dielectric properties during microwave freeze-drying process banana chips, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 49(4): 1142–1148, 2014 (2015 IF1.504)

20) Azam S. M. Roknul, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Yuchuan Wang, A Comparative Study of Four Drying Methods on Drying Time and Quality Characteristics of Stem Lettuce Slices, Drying Technology, 32(6): 657-666,2014 (2015 IF1.854)

21) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, and Rui-Xin Lim, Comparison of drying characteristic and uniformity of banana cubes dried by pulse-spouted microwave freeze-drying, freeze-drying, and microwave freeze-drying, Journal Of the Science of Food and Agri,  94: 1827–1834,2014 (2015 IF2.076)

22) Yi Lu, Min Zhang*, Huihua Liu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Jincai Sun, Dandan Zheng, Study of the optimization of potato cubes by microwave pulsed spouted bed drying, Drying Technology, 32:960-968,2014 (2015 IF1.854)

23) Fengjie Chen, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Hao Jiang, Liping Wang, Production of Crispy Granules of Fish: A Comparative Study of Alternate Drying Techniques, Drying Technology, 32(12): 1512-1521, 2014  (2015 IF1.854)

24) Lin-lin QI, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Xiang-Yong Meng, Hui-Zhi Chen, Comparison of Drying Characteristics and Quality of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinus Edodes) using different Drying methods, Drying Technology, 32(15):1751-1761,2014 (2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

25) Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, Chuan-Yu Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Min Zhang*, Microwave-assisted Pulse-spouted Vacuum Drying of Apple Cubes, Drying Technology, 32(15):1762-1768,2014 (2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

26) Ruijie Li, Luelue Huang, Min Zhang*, Arun. S. Mujumdar, Chuan-Yu Wang, Freeze Drying of Apple Slices with and without Application of Microwaves, Drying Technology, 32(15): 1769-1776,2014 (2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

27) Hongcai Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Comparison of Three New Drying Methods for Drying Characteristics and Quality of Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes), Drying Technology, 32(15):1791-1802, 2014 (2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

28) Yingqiang Wang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Huizhi Chen, Drying and quality characteristics of shredded squid in an infrared assisted convective dryer, Drying Technology, 32(15):1828-1839, 2014 (2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

29) Kebitsamang Joseph Mothibe, Min Zhang*, Arun S Mujumdar, Yu Chuan Wang, Camel Lagnika, Effects of ultrasound and microwave pretreatments of apple before spouted bed drying on rate of dehydration and physical properties, Drying Technology, 32(15):1848-1856, 2014 (2015 IF1.854) , Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

30) Peng Liu, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Purple-fleshed sweet potato cubes drying in a microwave-assisted spouted bed dryer, Drying Technology, 32(15):1865-1871, 2014(2015 IF1.854), Special issue: Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University

31) Peng Liu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Min Zhang*, Hao Jiang, Comparison of Three Blanching Treatments on the Color and Anthocyanin Level on the Microwave-Assisted Spouted Bed Drying of Purple Fleshed Sweet Potato, Drying Technology, 33: 66-71, 2015 (2015 IF1.854) –

32) Yujing Gao, Min Zhang, Yingqiang Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Weiping Chen,  Texture change of herring (Clupea harengus) cubes in a Chinese-type paste as affected by pre-frying methods, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 24(2):179-190, 2015 (2014 IF 0.688)

33) Ya Su, Min Zhang* Arun. S. Mujumdar, Recent development of smart drying technology for fresh foods, Drying Technology,33:260-276,2015 (2015 IF1.854)

34) Min Zhang*, Huizhi Chen, Arun S. Mujumdar and Qifeng Zhong & Jincai Sun, Recent developments in high quality drying with energy-saving characteristic for fresh foods, Drying Technology, 33(13): 1590-1600, 2015 (2015 IF1.854), Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014).

35) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang*, Zhongxiang Fang and Arun.S.Mujumdar, Effect of different dielectric drying methods on the physic-chemical properties of a starch-water model system, Food Hydrocolloids,52:192-200,2016 (2015 IF3.858)

36) Hao Jiang, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Rui-Xin Lim, Drying uniformity analysis of pulse-spouted microwave freeze-drying banana cubes, Drying Technology, 34(5):539-546,2016 (2015 IF1.854)-

37) Kai Fan, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Application of airborne ultrasound in the convective drying of fruits and vegetables: A review, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,39:47–57, 2017(2015 IF 4.556)

38) Min Zhang*, Huizhi Chen, Arun.S. Mujumdar, Juming Tang, Song Miao, Yuchuan Wang, Recent Developments in High-Quality Drying of Vegetables, Fruits and Aquatic Products, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, accepted (2015 IF5.492)

39) Ji-cheng Xu, Min Zhang*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Benu Adhikari, Recent Developments in Smart Freezing Technology applied to Fresh Foods, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, accepted (2015 IF5.492)

40) Xiaohuang Cao, Min Zhang*, Zhongxiang Fang, Arun S.Mujumdar, Hao Jiang, He Qian, Huangyuan Ai, Drying kinetics and product quality of green soybean under different microwave drying methods, Drying Technology, accepted (2014 IF1.518)

41) Xiaohuang Cao, Min Zhang*, He Qian, Arun S.Mujumdar, Drying based on temperature-detection- assisted control in microwave-assisted pulse-spouted vacuum drying, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, accepted, 2015 IF2.076

42) Cao Xiaohuang, Zhang Min *, Mujumdar Arun S., He Qian. Physicochemical and nutraceutical properties of barley grass powder microencapsulated by spray-drying, Drying Technology, Special Issue of China Research, accepted (2014 IF1.518)

43) YANJUN FENG, MIN ZHANG*, ARUN S. MUJUNDAR, ZHONGXUE GAO, Recent Research Process of Fermented Plant Extract: a Review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, accepted 2017.

44) Xiaohuang Cao, Min Zhang, Arun S.Mujumdar, He Qian, Zhushang Wang, Effect of ultrasonic treatment on quality, energy consumption and sterilization of barley grass in freeze-drying, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, accepted 2017.

Following represents the outcome of the collaboration with Dr. Hong-Wei, Beijing, China
Publications resulting from collaboration with Prof. Hong-Wei of China Agricultural University, Beijing, Canada.
Book chapters

1. Xiao Hong-Wei, Mujumdar Arun S. Chapter 12: Impingement drying: applications and future trends. In Drying Technologies for Foods: Fundamentals & Applications (ISBN978-938-14-5074-1) edited by Prabhat K. Nema, Barjiinder Pal Kaur, and Arun S. Mujumdar. Printed in December 2014 by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India. (pp.279-299)

2. Xie Long, Mujumdar Arun S., Xiao Hong-Wei*, Gao Zhen-Jiang. Chapter 4: Recent technologies and trends in medicinal herb drying. In Drying Technologies for Foods: Fundamentals & Applications (Part II) (ISBN978-938-55-1639-9) edited by Prabhat K. Nema, Barjiinder Pal Kaur, and Arun S. Mujumdar. Printed in 2016 by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India. (pp.69-90).

3. Wang Jun, Mujumdar A.S., Mu Weisong, Feng Jianying, Zhang Xiaoshuan, Zhang Qian, Fang Xiaoming, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Xiao Hong-Wei*. Chapter 7 Grape drying: current status and future trends. in Grape and Wine Biotechnology (ISBN 978-953-51-2693-5) edited by Antonio Morata and Iris Loira printed in October 2016 by INTECH Press, Rijeka, Croatia (pp145-165).

4. Wang Jun, Law Chung-Lim, Mujumdar A.S., Xiao Hong-Wei. The degradation mechanisms and kinetics of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables during thermal processing. Book Chapter under review.

Journal Papers

1. Wang Jun, Fang Xiao-Ming, Mujumdar Arun S., Qian Jing-Ya, Zhang Qian, Yang Xu-Hai, Liu Yan-Hong, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Xiao Hong-Wei* (2017). Effect of high-humidity hot air impingement blanching (HHAIB) pretreatment on drying characteristics and quality attributes of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Food Chemistry,220, 145-152.

2. Wang Jun, Yang Xu-Hai, Mujumdar Arun S., Wang Dong, Zhao Jin-Hong, Fang Xiao-Ming, Zhang Qian, Xie Long, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Xiao Hong-Wei* (2017). Effects of various blanching methods on weight loss, enzymes inactivation, phytochemical contents, antioxidant capacity, ultrastructure and drying kinetics of red bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 77, 337-347.

3. Xie Long, Mujumdar Arun S., Fang Xiao-Ming, Wang Jun, Dai Jian-Wu, Du Zhi-Long, Xiao Hong-Wei*, Liu Yanhong, Gao Zhen-Jiang* (2017). Far-infrared radiation heating assisted pulsed vacuum drying (FIR-PVD) of Wolfberry: effects on drying kinetics and quality attributes. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2017, 102: 320-331.

4. Xiao Hong-Wei, Pan Zhongli, Deng Li-Zhen, EI-Mashad Hamed M., Yang Xu-Hai, Mujumdar Arun S., Gao Zhen-Jiang, Zhang Qian (2017). Recent developments and trends in a thermal blanching-a comprehensive review.Information Processing in Agriculture, DOI:10.1016/j.inpa.2017.02.001.

5. Xiao Hong-Wei, Mujumdar Arun S. (2017). Role of expert reviews in guiding future drying R&D. Drying Technology, 35(5), 525-526.

6. Ju Hao-Yu, Zhang Qian, Mujumdar Arun S., Fang Xiao-Ming, Xiao Hong-Wei*, Gao Zhen-Jiang (2016). Hot air drying kinetics of yam slices under step change in relative humidity. International Journal of Food Engineering, 12(8), 783-792.

7. Xiao Hong-Wei, Mujumdar A.S., Che Liming (2015). Pollution: uncouple from the economy boom. Nature, 517, 145.

8. Xiao Hong-Wei, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Mujumdar A.S. (2015). Mining shell waste will not be easy. Nature, 525, 321.

9. Bai Jun-Wen, Sun Da-Wen, Xiao Hong-Wei*, Mujumdar A.S., Gao Zhen-Jiang*. (2013). Novel high-humidity hot air impingement blanching (HHAIB) pretreatment enhances drying kinetics and color attributes of seedless grapes. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 20, 230-237.

10. Xie Long, Mujumdar Arun S., Zhang Qian, Wang Jun, Liu Shuxiang, Deng Lizhen, Wang Dong, Xiao Hong-Wei*, Liu Yan-Hong, Gao Zhen-Jiang* (2017). Effects of pulsed vacuum drying on infrared radiation heating (PVD-FIR) and electronic panel contact heating (PVD-EPC) on drying kinetics, color and volatile compounds of wolfberry. Drying Technology has been accepted.

11. Wang Jun, Mu Wei-Song, Fang Xiao-Ming, MujumdarA.S., Yang Xu-Hai, Xue Ling-Yang, Xie Long, Xiao Hong-Wei, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Zhang Qian. Pulsed vacuum drying of Thompson seedless grape: effects of berry ripeness on physicochemical properties and drying characteristics. Food and Bioproducts Processing, Under review.

12. Deng Li-Zhen, Yang Xu-Hai, Mujumdar A.S., Zhao Jin-Hong, Wang Dong, Zhang Qian, WangJun, Gao Zhen-Jiang, Xiao Hong-Wei. Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) drying: effects of different drying methods on drying kinetics, physicochemical properties, antioxidant capacity, and microstructure. Drying Technology, Under review.

Publications with Prof. Xu Peng, China Juliana University, Hangzhou, China
Publication list with Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar

1. Peng Xu, Zhonghua Wu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Mathematical Modeling of Industrial Transport Processes, TPR Group, Singapore, 2010, ISBN: 978-981-08-6269-5.

Journal Paper

  1. Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu, Liping Geng, Arun Mujumdar, Zhouting Jiang, Jinghua Yang: Enhanced heat transfer characteristics of conjugated air jet impingement on a finned heat sink. Thermal Science 03/2017; 21(1A). DOI:10.2298/TSCI141229030Q
  2. 2. Jundika C. Kurnia, Agus P. Sasmito, Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar: Performance and Potential Energy Saving of Thermal Dryer with Intermittent Impinging Jet. Applied Thermal Engineering 11/2016; DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.11.0363.
  3. Peng Xu, Agus Pulung Sasmito, Boming Yu, ArunSadashiv Mujumdar: Transport Phenomena and Properties in Tree-like Networks. Applied Mechanics Reviews 06/2016; 68(4). DOI:10.1115/1.40339664.
  4. Peng Xu, Agus P. Sasmito, Shuxia Qiu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Long Xu, Liping Geng: Heat transfer and entropy generation in air jet impingement on a model rough surface. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 02/2016; 72. DOI:10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2016.01.007
  5.  Peng Xu, Agus Sasmito, Arun Mujumdar: A computational study of heat transfer under twin turbulent slot jets impinging on planar smooth and rough surfaces. Thermal Science 01/2016; 20(00). DOI:10.2298/TSCI151130016X
  6. Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu, Xianwu Qiao, Arun S. Mujumdar: Flow and mixing characteristics of pulsed confined opposed jets in turbulent flow regime. Heat and Mass Transfer 02/2013; 49(2). DOI:10.1007/s00231-012-1092-9.
  7. Ying Jiang, Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Shuxia Qiu, Zhouting Jiang: A Numerical Study on the Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pulsed Impingement Drying. Drying Technology 08/2012; 30(10). DOI:10.1080/07373937.2012.683121.
  8. Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu, Zhouting Jiang, Arun S. Mujumdar: Numerical Modeling of Pulsed Laminar Opposed Impinging Jets. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 06/2012; 6(2). DOI:10.1080/19942060.2012.11015414
  9. Peng Xu, Shuxia Qiu, MingZhou Yu, Xianwu Qiao, Arun S. Mujumdar: A study on the heat and mass transfer properties of multiple pulsating impinging jets. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 03/2012; 39(3-3). DOI:10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2012.01.001
  10. Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Shuxia Qiu, Hee Joo Poh, Arun S. Mujumdar: Turbulent impinging jet heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 07/2010; 49(7). DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2010.01.020
  11. Xiang-Qi Wang, Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Christopher Yap: Flow and thermal characteristics of offset branching network. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 02/2010; 49(2). DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2009.07.019
  12. Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Hee Joo Poh, BomingYu: Heat transfer under a pulsed slot turbulent impinging jet at large temperature differences. Thermal Science 01/2010; 14(1). DOI:10.2298/TSCI1001271X
  13. Peng Xu, X.Q. Wang, A.S. Mujumdar, C. Yap, B.M. Yu: Thermal characteristics of tree-shaped microchannel nets with/without loops. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 11/2009; 48(11). DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2009.03.018.
  14. Peng Xu, A. S. Mujumdar, B. Yu: Drying-Induced Cracks in Thin Film Fabricated from Colloidal Dispersions. Drying Technology 04/2009; 27(5). DOI:10.1080/07373930902820804.
  15. Peng Xu, Z. Wu, A. S. Mujumdar, B. Yu: Innovative Hydrocyclone Inlet Designs to Reduce Erosion-Induced Wear in Mineral Dewatering Processes. Drying Technology 02/2009; 27(2). DOI:10.1080/07373930802603433.
  16. Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Boming Yu: Fractal Theory on Drying: A Review. Drying Technology 05/2008; 26(6). DOI:10.1080/07373930802045932

Conference Paper

1. Peng Xu, Z. Wu, A. Mujumdar et al., Innovative hydro cyclone designs to reduce erosion-induced wear in mineral dewatering processes, 16th International Drying Symposium, Hyderabad, India, November 9-12, 2008(No.34).

2. Peng Xu, A. Mujumdar et al., Novel hydro cyclone designs based on CFD modeling, 15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering in conjunction with 22nd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2-3, 2008 (MAT019-O).

3. Peng Xu, A. Mujumdar, CFD model of the hydro cyclone, 7th ASEAN ANSYS User Conference, Singapore, October 30-31, 2008.

4. Peng Xu, A. Mujumdar and Mita Ray, Design and optimize hydro cyclone with mathematical modeling, 4th Inter-American Drying Conference in conjunction with 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, August 23-27, 2009.

5. Peng Xu, Hee Joo Poh, A.S. Mujumdar, and B. Yu, Heat transfer under a round pulsed turbulent impinging jet at large temperature differences-A computational analysis, The 6th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 Oct 2009.

6. Peng Xu, Hee Joo Poh, A.S. Mujumdar and BomingYu, Some modeling studies on pulsed turbulent impinging jet heat transfer, Fourth Nordic Drying Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 17-19 Jun 2009.

7. Peng Xu, Hee Joo Poh, A.S. Mujumdar, and B. Yu, Pulsed turbulent impinging jets: CFD study of flow and heat transfer characteristics, 20th National and 9th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Mumbai, India, 4-6 Jan 2010

Publications with Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China1.

  1. Ruifang Wang, Huihui Huo, Rubiao Dou, Zhanyong Li, A. S. Mujumdar. Effect of the Inside Placement of Electrically Conductive Beads on Electric Field Uniformity in a Microwave Applicator. Drying Technology, 2014, 32(16):1997-2004.2.
  2. Zhonghua Wu, Lian Yue, Zhanyong Li, Jun Li, A .S. Mujumdar, J. A. Rehkopf. Pulse Combustion Spray Drying of Egg White: Energy Efficiency and Product Quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(1):148-157.3.
  3. Z.H. Wu, J.F. Shi, Q. Liu, J.T. Song, A.S. Mujumdar, Z.J. Zhang. Drying characteristics and product quality of cowpea dried in a convective tunnel dryer. 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS2014), August 24-27, 2014, Lyon, France.4.
  4. Q.F. Qiu, Z.H. Wu, A.S., Mujumdar. Optimization of liquid steel flow in an industrial Tundish. Advanced Materials Research, 634-638, 2013, 1752-1755 (EI 20130616000764)5.
  5. Z.H. Wu, J. Xie, E.N. Li, A.S. Mujudmar, Novel gas-fried pulse combustor-design evaluation via simulation, JP Journal Heat and Mass Transfer, 7(2), 2013, 129-1566.
  6. Wu Z.H., Zhang, J., Li Z.Y., Li, J.G., Mujumdar, A.S., Zhang, Z.J., Immersion frying drying of sewage sludge using waste cooking oil, 18th international drying symposium(IDS2012), Xiamen, China, Nov 11-15, 2012.
  7.  Zhonghua Wu, Jing Zhang, Zhanyong Li, Jian Xue, A. S. Mujumdar. Production of a solid fuel using sewage sludge and spent cooking oil by immersion frying. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 243(4):357.
  8. Zhonghua Wu, Long Wu, Zhanyong Li, A. S. Mujumdar. Atomization and Drying Characteristics of Sewage Sludge inside a Helmholtz Pulse Combustor. Drying Technology, 2012, 30(10):1105-1112.
  9. Zhonghua Wu, Yajun Hu, D. J. Lee, A. S. Mujumdar, Zhanyong Li. Dewatering and Drying in Mineral Processing Industry: Potential for Innovation. Drying Technology, 2009, 28(7):834-842.
  10. Zhanyong Li, Weiguang Su, Zhonghua Wu, Ruifang Wang, A. S. Mujumdar. Investigation of Flow Behaviors and Bubble Characteristics of a Pulse Fluidized Bed via CFD Modeling. Drying Technology, 2009, 28(1):78-93.
  11.  Y.K. Pan, H. Wu, Z.Y. Li, A. S. Mujumdar, T. Kudra. Effect of a tempering period on drying of carrot in a vffiro-fluidized bed. Drying Technology, 1997, 15(6-8):2037-2043.
  12. Y.K. Pan, Z.Y. Li, A.S. Mujumdar, T. Kudra. Drying of a Root Crop in Vibro-Fluidized Beds. Drying Technology, 1997, 15(1):215-223. 13 Y.K. Pan, J.Z. Pang, Z.Y. Li, A.S. Mujumdar, T. Kudr. Drying of Photosynthetic Bacteria in a Vibrated Fluid Bed of Solid Carriers. Drying Technology, 1995, 13(1-2):395-404.

Lists of translated books with TUST related to A. S. Mujumdar.

Advanced Drying Technologies, Edited by T. Kudra and A. S. Mujumdar. Translated by Z.Y. Li, 2005, Chemical Industry Press.

Lists of Projects with TUST related to A. S. Mujumdar.

Zhanyong Li, Arun S. Mujumdar, Zhonghua Wu, Quality improvement technology of fuels with low heating value, High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Program, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, 2013-2015.

Joint publications with Prof. Wang Wei, DUT, and Prof. Guohua CHEN, HKUST

  1. Wang W., Chen G., Mujumdar A. S. The physical interpretation of solid drying: an overview on mathematical modeling research. Drying Technology, 2007, 25(4): 659–668.
  2. Wang W., Thorat B. N., Chen G., Mujumdar A. .S. Simulation of fluidized bed drying of carrot with microwave heating. Drying Technology, 2002, 20(9): 1855–1867.
  3. Chen G., Wang W., Mujumdar A. S. Theoretical study of microwave heating patterns on batch fluidized bed drying of porous material. Chemical Engineering Science, 2001, 56(24): 6823–6835.

April 20, 2017

  1. Our estimated Impact Factor for the year 2016 for Drying Technology is 1.92. It is expected to cross 2.0 for 2017.
  2. Dr. Benu Adhikari sends the following good news for the journal. ‘According to SCIMago, Drying Technology is a Q1 journal and 182th out of 705 Chemical Engineering journals (given a highly specialized field, this is the great outcome). Australian Research Council is now actively discouraging researchers to use IF, they are encouraging to use SCiMago ranking or CiteScore.

March 12, 2017

  1. Professor Mujumdar just returned from a visit to India.
  2. Pleased to note Dr. S. Karthik has joined Renault Nissan R&D in Chennai. Best wishes to him for a successful industrial R&D career in an area related to his doctoral research. Hearty congratulations!
  3. Prof.Mujumdar is scheduled to present keynote lectures at conferences in Hong Kong, China, and Colombia this year.
  4. Heartiest congratulations to Professor Wan Ramli Wan Daud of the UK, Malaysia (UKM) for his exceptional contribution to scientific research in Malaysia. He is the recipient of the coveted Merdeka Award which is given annually in Malaysia.
    The Merdeka Award aims to promote thought leadership and innovation, foster a culture of excellence, encourage a world view, thereby enhancing Malaysia’s standing as a dynamic, competitive 21st Century Global Player in all key sectors from science and technology to the arts. for details visit
  5. TPR has contributed four book chapters to different books to be published in 2017-2018. Several journal papers have appeared this year with a number under preparation. Congrats to TPR members for continuing high productivity.

January 24, 2017

  1. Best wishes to all members of the TPR family as well as visitors to this site.
  2. ADC 2017 will be held in Wuxi, China in September this year. The abstracts deadline is January 31, 2017.
  3. Three new books in the CRC series on Advances in Drying Science and Technology will be published in 2017. Proposals are invited from prospective authors and editors for books in this series.
  4. A new ebook will be released and uploaded soon. Proposals are invited for monographs, edited volumes or conference proceedings in this series available for free download on this site.
  5. WFCFD2017 will be held in Mumbai in early March this year. Please look up the WFCFD site for details.

December 15, 2016

  1. Elsevier has launched a new journal entitled Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. Prof. Mujumdar is a member of the editorial board. This provides an excellent opportunity for the dissemination of impactful research in thermal sciences for the international community.
    We are delighted to announce that Elsevier is launching a new journal, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. The Editor-in-Chief, David Reay, hardly needs an introduction as the founder, then Editor-in-Chief until 2014 of Applied Thermal Engineering, where he is now ‘Editor-at-Large’. Barbara Sturm of Universität Kassel in Germany will support David as Associate Editor.
    The journal aims to encompass the many and varied thermal phenomena and processes that scientists and engineers investigate in the quest for greater understanding and more informed application of ‘heat’. We hope that TSEP will be a medium for papers reporting on innovations that may not find a home in journals devoted to either applied engineering or fundamental science.
    The range of topics covered by Thermal Science and Engineering Progress addresses the rapid rate of development being made in thermal transfer processes as they affect traditional fields, and important growth in the topical research areas of aerospace, thermal biological and medical systems, electronics and nano-technologies, renewable energy systems, food production (including agriculture), and the need to minimize man-made thermal impacts on climate change.
    The journal now accepts submissions and we expect to publish the first issue in March 2017. We invite you to read the full Aims and Scope and Guide for Authors on the journal homepage before submitting a paper.
    We look forward to receiving your submissions.
    Submit your paper
    Gaëlle Hull

November 30, 2016

  1. IDS2018 will be held in Valencia, Spain, during September 18-21, 2018. Mark your calendar. Details will be available in early 2017 in Drying Technology journal and several websites. Industry participation is encouraged. IDS2018 heralds 40 years of this successful biennial series held around the world.
    IDS was established by Prof Mujumdar at McGill University in 1978 at a time when it was not recognized as a viable research/ development area. IDS series along with the establishment of Drying Technology journal in 1982 and publication of the first edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying in 1987, simulated industrial and academic interest in Drying Science and Technology on a global scale.
    See you in Valencia in 2018!
  2. Following is a statistical summary of the continuing contributions of Professor Mujumdar following his retirement from the National University of Singapore in July 2013.
    Publication list covering AUGUST 2013 through December 2016 (not complete)
    Professional outcomes and tasks completed as well as ongoing:
    50+journal papers
    15 + conference papers
    4 plenary and keynote lectures
    15 book chapters
    2 edited books
    15 + editorials, book reviews and. Conference reports
    Editor-in-Chief, Drying Technology Journal, 16 issues per annum
    Founding Program Chair, IDS, ADC, WFCFD, CDC conferences
    Series Editor, CRC Series in Advanced Drying Science and Technology – 3 books initiated
    Reviewer for journals – 60+ reviews per annum
    Mentor for several young researchers and faculty members in several countries
    Honorary professorships in six universities
    Research areas: Drying, Transport phenomena in energy, food processing, and environment.
    General interest: Climate Change, Innovation & Creativity

November 17, 2016

  1. To view a summary of the published contribution of Professor Mujumdar since his retirement from NUS in August 2013, please click here. Several papers, book chapters, and a book are currently under review or preparation.
  2. Three CRC books are currently under preparation in the CRC book series on Advanced Drying Science and Technology edited by Prof Mujumdar.
  3. ADC2017 will be held in Wuxi in September 2017. Visit the website for details.
  4. WFCFD will be held in Mumbai in February 2017.

August 16, 2016

  1. IDS2016 was held successfully in Gifu, Japan last week with over 300 participants from 40 countries. There was significant industry participation and also a large number of young researchers. I estimate about 70 % of attendees were first time participants. This is a good sign for the future of Drying research globally.
  2. Professor H. YOSHII of Kagawa University received the Arun S Mujumdar Medal for excellence in Drying research and Outstanding Mentorship. He has mentored over 20 Ph.D. students including many overseas students.
  3. Professor Odilia Alves-Filho received the EnerDry Award for his book on heat pump drying.
  4. Visitors can access pdf of Professor Mujumdar’s Plenary lecture PPT under Selected Presentations page on this site. It includes recent stats on the Ids series as well as the Drying Technology journal.
  5. There will be three Drying-focussed international conferences in 2017. Euro drying conference in Belgium, Baltic Conference in June and ADC2017 in Wuxi, 2017. Another drying conference will be held in Colombia in September 2017 as well as one in Morocco in October. I am gratified to see the rising global interest in the subject.

August 10, 2016

  1. NSF, USA has approved funding for a joint University-Industry collaborative research Centre for advanced research in Drying.
    Please click here for a brief announcement.

July 15, 2016

  1. To Download the updated publication list of Prof Arun Mujumdar Click here.

July 4, 2016

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will participate in the following event Prof. Devahastin will organize in Bangkok on July 22nd.
    Invitation to TRF Senior Research Scholar Group Meeting
    You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Senior Research Scholar Group of Prof. Sakamon Devahastin at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi on July 22, 2016. The details and schedule of the event are attached here.
    All welcome.

June 24, 2016

  1. Prof. Mujumdar visited Delft University of Technology, June 20-22.
  2. The first book in the CRC series on Advances in Drying Science and Technology has just appeared off the press. Please visit the following site for details.

June 10, 2016

  1. Research students of Prof. Min Zhang presented summaries of their ongoing research to Prof. Mujumdar during his visit. Click here for the list of presentations.

June 09, 2016

  1. Prof Mujumdar visited Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China May 20 – June 2, 2016. The visit included visits to six companies as well including Nestlé R&D in Shanghai.
  2. Prof Mujumdar visited a prominent dryer manufacturer in Changzhou-Yibu Dryer Co. They manufacture a wide variety of dryers including fluid bed, vacuum, conveyor, spray dryers, etc.
  3. Prof Mujumdar presented three lectures at JU. Researchers and graduate students of Prof Min Zhang presented summaries of their research followed by discussion. He also met with The Chairman of the well known Haitong Group which has an extensive research collaboration with Prof Zhang for over a decade.
  4. A new book in Chinese summarizing research on new drying g techniques for High Efficiency drying to produce better quality food products co-authored by Profs Zhang and Mujumdar has just been published. A review of this book will appear in the Drying Technology journal this year.
  5. ADC2017 is tentatively scheduled to be held in Wuxi in late September 2017. Details will be announced soon.
  6. IDS2016 will be held in Gifu this year in August. Visit their website for details.

April 24, 2016

    Congratulations to KMUTT, Bangkok, Thailand for their outstanding consistent research performance. The link above shows Prof. Sakamon Devahastin receiving an award of recognition from the Thai Research Fund on behalf of KMUTT. Click here for the announcement.
    Prof. Mujumdar chairs the International Research Advisory Panel( IRAP) of KMUTT since 2015.

April 01, 2016

  1. Editorial work on volume 3 of the books entitled “Drying Technologies for Foods: Fundamentals and Applications” has begun.
    Click here for the Contents of volume 3 edited by Drs Barjinder, Nema, and Mujumdar.

March 04, 2016

  1. TPR is pleased to congratulate Dr. Sachin Jangam on the 2016 NUS Annual Teaching award for outstanding teaching. All the best!

February 28, 2016

  1. 10th WFCFD was a major success with some 140 attendees. Dr. Sachin and Prof Mujumdar presented lectures in this event attended mainly by industry participants. Prof Mujumdar gave workshops on Industrial Drying Technology to industry participants in India since 1983. He also presented 2-day workshops at ICT on Drying during 2001-2003 before the co-founding of WFCFD as an annual event in 2005. Prof Mujumdar also held an 8 hr interactive session on Drying to Reliance R&D on February 24, 2016.

February 16, 2016

  1. TPR Group is proud to note that Prof. Min Zhang of Jiangan University and the long term a given collaborator of Prof. Mujumdar is noted by Elsevier as one of the most cited Chinese researchers.
    I am honored to be listed in the top 1744 in all areas, and ranked in No.20 in the highly-cited Chinese researchers in the Agriculture and Biological Science Area, and ranked in No.3 in high-cited Chinese researchers in the Food Science and Technology Area.
    Hearty congratulations, Prof. Zhang!

February 15, 2016

  1. Prof. Mujumdar is visiting KMUTT in connection with a number of joint research projects.
  2. TPR is pleased and proud to note a very prestigious award won by Prof Sakamon Devahastin who did his Ph.D. at McGill University under Prof Mujumdar’s mentorship. The award is highly competitive and recognizes outstanding research. The photograph below shows the award presented at a major official ceremony of the Thai Research Foundation.

January 29, 2016

  1. Prof. Mujumdar has coauthored with Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna of NUS a chapter entitled “Developing Innovative and Entrepreneurial Graduates” for publication in an upcoming book.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will participate in the 10th WFCFD event in Mumbai in the last week of February. Prior to that, he will spend some time at KMUTT in Bangkok as a Distinguished Visiting Professor.

January 19, 2016

  1. The 10th World Forum on Crystallisation, Filtration, and Drying will be held in Mumbai in February 2016. Click here for the brochure.

January 6, 2016

Book Review: Highly Efficient Drying for High-Quality Products published by Wiley-VCH, Beijing. Click here for a review of this book.

  1. Prof. Mujumdar published 19 refereed papers, 4 book chapters, several conference papers as edited two books during 2015.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will participate in the 10th WFCFD in Mumbai in February 2016. He co-founded WFCFD with Prof Thorat of ICT.
  3. The first title in the new CRC Series in Advances in Drying Science and Technology will appear in mid-2016. Click here for a brief description of this new Series edited by Prof. Mujumdar.

December 3, 2015

  1. The 10th WFCFD will be held in Mumbai on February 25-27, 2016. A special event is planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of WFCFD.
  2. For a complete list of publications of Professor Mujumdar’s TPR Group, please click here.
  3. TPR Group wishes all visitors to this page a very happy, healthy, successful and peaceful 2016. Please click here for the e-card.

November 20, 2015

  1. TPR Group is delighted to note a new honor Dr. Sakamon Devahastin of KMUTT, Bangkok, has received from the Thailand Research Foundation. He is named Senior Research Fellow of TRF.

November 17, 2015

  1. On behalf of all members of the TPR Group, we wish all visitors to our site a very joyous, safe, healthy and peaceful 2016. It has been a highly productive year for TPR Group thanks to the hard work and collaborative effort of all members.
    Click here for our e-card of Season’s Greetings.

November 10, 2015

  1. Dr. Agus Sasmito (McGill) and Dr. Xu Peng (Hangzhou) visited Prof Mujumdar over the weekend (November 7-8).  Two review articles and plans for further research were discussed in depth.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will visit KMUTT in February 2016 and also participate in WFCFD in Mumbai February 27-29, 2016.

November 5, 2015

  1. Dr. Sachin Jangam has compiled the list of critical review papers published in drying Technology since 2010. It is a valuable resource for newcomers to the drying area in academia as well as industry. (Click here to download the list)
  2. Kenneth Tan of KL has designed and delivered Microwave systems for Western University, London, Ontario and KMUTT, Bangkok, Thailand. Both systems are unique and pilot size. Commissioning of both systems is ongoing.
  3. Dr. Xu Peng ( currently visiting McGill University) and Dr. Agus Sasmito of Mining Engineering at McGill University will visit Prof. Mujumdar in Toronto, November 7-8th to discuss ongoing projects and future collaborative projects.
  4. Volume 2 of Food Drying edited at Niftem, Kundli, India will be published in early 2016.

August 27, 2015

  1. ADC2015 was held successfully in KL, Malaysia in August 2015. The e-book of proceedings of all peer-reviewed accepted papers is available at the link below for free downloading. Congratulations to the Organising Committee for their outstanding effort. ADC2017 will be held in Wuxi, China.

August 19, 2015

  1. Prof. Min Zhang of Jiangnan University is the latest recipient of the Arun S Mujumdar Medal for Excellence in Drying R&D and Outstanding Mentorship. It was awarded at ADC2015 held in Kuala Lumpur in August 2015. He will chair ADC2017 in Wuxi.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar chaired the International Research Advisory Panel meeting at KMUTT, Bangkok, in early August 2015.
  3. Congratulations to Prof. Sakamon Devahastin on his latest accomplishment- an award of a coveted major research grant from the Thai Research Fund.

August 11, 2015

  1. Prof. Mujumdar chaired the first three-day meeting of the International Research Advisory Panel at KMUTT in Bangkok August 3-5, 2015.

June 22, 2015

  1. Prof. Mujumdar presented a Keynote Lecture at ICFE2015 in Quebec City, Canada, June 15-19, 2015. He discussed innovation in drying technologies for foods.
  2. The 2015 Chinese Drying Conference (CDC) will be held in Chengdu, China. October 21-25, 2015.
  3. ADC2015 attracted 96 abstracts. This conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur in August 2015.

June 9, 2015

  1. Prof Mujumdar attended the 2015 meeting of Delft University Process Technology Institute in Delft 2015, June 2-6, 2015. He will present a Keynote Lecture at the International Food Engineering Conference in Quebec City, June 15-17,2015. He will also visit Agus Sasmito and his research group in Montreal at McGill University.
  2. Volume 2 of the book edited by Dr. Nema et al of NIFTEM, Kundli, India is on schedule for completion in September 2015. Details will follow in a few months.
  3. ADC2015 will be held in August 2015. Over 80 abstracts have been received by the Organizing Committee chaired by Prof. Chung Lim Law

April 27, 2015

  1. A book review of Drying Technologies for foods: Fundamentals and Applications, edited by Nema, Kaur, and Mujumdar is now available. Click here to view the file.

April 24, 2015

  1. IDS2016 will be held in Gifu, Japan in August 2016. It will herald 40 years of the continuous successful run of the IDS series started in 1978 at McGill University.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will present a Keynote Lecture at the International Food Engineering Conference in Quebec City in June 2015.
  3. For a list of publications of Prof. Mujumdar over the 16 month period January 1, 2014- April 2015, please click here.

March 4, 2015

  1. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin is ranked eighth amongst scientists in Thailand. Hearty congratulations, Sakamon, for this accomplishment early in your career!
  2. Dr. Sachin Jangam and Dr. Devahastin lectured in the 2nd Workshop on Drying held successfully in Kundli, India, last week.
  3. Dr. Meng Wai Woo lectured at the 9th WFCFD held in Mumbai last week.
  4. A celebration was held in Lodz to mark the landmark 85th birthday of Prof. Strumillo. CRC Press presented him with a copy of the 4th edition of the Handbook on this occasion.
  5. Prof Dong Chen of Soochow University, China, was presented Prof Mujumdar Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the 9th WFCFD held at ICT, Mumbai, last week.

February 17, 2015

Happy 85th birthday, Professor Strumillo!

The TPR family of researchers wishes you many more years of very joyful, healthy and productive life ahead. Here is a card of watercolors done by Prof. Mujumdar and Purnima Mujumdar specially designed for you by Sachin Jangam on behalf of all members. We hope you like it.

The forthcoming Editorial which will appear in the Drying Technology journal in the next couple of weeks is attached here. We all gratefully appreciate your lifetime achievements in drying R&D as well as higher education. Click here for the Editorial.

Professor Strumillo will receive a copy of the 4th Edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying as a present from Taylor & Francis and the Editor of the book. Prof. Strumillo is a contributor to all four editions of the book.

It is noteworthy that he was a regular participant at all meetings of the IDS series from 1978 until recently. Only a handful of drying researchers have been regular attendees of IDS since 1978.  Even fewer have attended most IDS meetings to date while the Founder is the only one to have actively participated in all meetings.

February 07, 2015

  1. TPR has several new members and research collaborators. Please visit the Collaborators page for a current listing.
  2. Visitors are invited to look up the Editorial in the upcoming Drying Technology journal issue for ideas on how to carry out impactful research even under resource-challenged conditions.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar has prepared the following list of his current service and research areas of interest
    Creativity and Positive Psychology
    R& D Management
    Academia-Industry collaboration
    Higher education in Engineering
    Globalization effects
    Role of Spirituality in Life
    Research-based learning
    Research areas
    Math modeling of transport processes
    Several topics in drying technology and science including modeling and innovative Drying technologists
    Underground mine ventilation
    Impinging jet heat transfer/ drying
    PCM Thermal storage
    Nanofluids heat transfer
    Transport processes in coils
    Professional service
    Editor in Chief. Drying Technology Journal
    Co-editor. Food Dehydration vol 2 2015
    Review papers for journals
    Tech support for IDS series, ADC series
    Keynote lectures/ review articles Mentoring Ph.D. students in several universities
    Series Editor, CRC Series in Advanced Drying Science and Technology- 4 titles initiated.
    Advise academic institutions on how to upgrade the quality of education and research
  4. ADC2015 will be held in KL, Malaysia in August 2015.
  5. IDS2016 will likely be held in August 2016. The formal announcement will be made by the new Secretary of IDS International Panel Dr. S. Devahastin.
  6. NIFTEM Workshop on Food Dehydration will take place in Kundli near New Delhi last week of February 2015. Several TPR members will participate in this event as speakers. WFCFD Workshop will be held in Mumbai also in the last week of February 2015.

January 22, 2015

  1. Prof. Mujumdar gave a keynote lecture at Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL. Meeting of CARD- canter for advanced research in drying- on December 16th.
  2. Dr. Agus Sasmito and Dr. Jundika Kurnia will present papers at an Applied Energy Conference in Masdar in UAE in March 2015.
  3. Dr. Sachin Jangam presented a paper on Research Project-based Learning (RPBL) in Singapore in December 2014.
  4. Volume 1 of a book entitled “Drying Technologies for Foods: Fundamentals and Applications (Ed. Nema et al.)” has just been published in India. Vol 2 will appear in December 2015. Click here to see the book cover.
  5. Prof. Mujumdar will present a keynote lecture at the forthcoming International Conference on Food Engineering, Quebec City, June 2015.
  6. Several titles are being finalized in the new CRC series edited by Prof. Mujumdar, entitled Advances in Drying Science & Technology. They are expected to be released at IDS2016 in mid-2016.
  7. Prof. Mujumdar coauthored 35 referred journal papers and co-edited three books during 2014 along with numerous editorials, conference reports and book reviews. A full listing of papers is available on the Publications page on this site.

December 22, 2014

Dear visitors:

2014 has been an eventful year for me as well as members of our TPR network. I moved from NUS to HKUST and then KMUTT in Bangkok on January 1 st 2014. I landed in Toronto to settle down in April 2014. Currently, I am an honorary Adjunct Professor at McGill ( Bioresource Engg and Mining Engg) as well as at Western University (Chemical Engg). My joint research projects with universities in China, India, Iran, and Thailand are continuing productively.

I was fortunate to be conferred two highest national level awards in China during 2014. In January I was one of seven recipients of the National award for International Cooperation for Science & Technology. In September I was awarded the well known Government of China Friendship Award. Also in September, I received the Tianjin Haihe Friendship award for contribution to the city-state of Tianjin.

In January 2014 Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China conferred its prestigious Honorary Professorship. More recently, the University of Queensland has named me an Honorary Professor. It is indeed an honor for me to work with these institutions.

I am pleased to see that the TPR research output continues its pace with impressive numbers on Google Scholar. The total number of citations has nearly reached 18,000 with an h-index of 60- a respectable figure in a discipline not known for high citation numbers.

We published three major books and an impressive e-book on Fluidization. The Drying Technology journal continues to attract a high manuscript flow.

IDS2014 was held successfully in Lyon. The location for IDS2016 will be announced in the near future.

In the coming years, I wish to advise academia interested in raising their global profile and industry keen to raise their R&D performance. I plan to continue to mentor doctoral students at universities around the globe.

Finally, I wish you a very happy, healthy and successful 2015! For an e-card using Watercolors by me and my wife, Purnima, please click here. Thanks are due to Sachin Jangam for creating the card and uploading this message.

Arun S Mujumdar

December 6, 2014

  1. Dear visitors: A second expanded edition of e-book Fluidization Engineering Practice is now available for download.
  2. A book on Drying Technologies for Foods: Fundamentals and Application is ready for publication. Click here to view the book cover design. This book is an outcome of the 1st Workshop on Dehydration of Food and Agricultural Products (Principles, Practices, and prospects) held at NIFTEM during 25-26 March 2014. The book is edited by Prabhat K Nema, Barjinder P Kaur and Arun S Mujumdar and published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India.

November 28, 2014

  1. Dear visitors: Click here to download the book review of the Handbook of Industrial Drying (Fourth Edition) published in Chemical Industry Digest.

October 11, 2014

  1. Dear visitors: Click here to download the conference report on the International Drying Symposium 2014 held at Lyon, France.

October 4, 2014

  1. Prof. Mujumdar received China Government’s highest award for Foreign Nationals – Friendship Award- on September 30, 2014. The Gold Medal with plaque was presented by the Deputy Prime Minister. A reception was held by the Prime Minister. Awardees also attended a grand banquet where the President of China spoke to some 3500 invitees.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar also received the prestigious Tianjin Haihe Friendship Award in Tianjin, China, on September 18th.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar visited Tianjin, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, and Beijing. He presented several seminars at universities and one lecture at one of China’s top high schools in Wuxi.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar is a series editor for a new book series by CRC Press entitled Advances in Drying Science and Technology. About 4 titles are already being developed for this series.
  5. ADC2015 will be held in KL, Malaysia in August 2015.
  6. Chinese Drying Conf. It will be held in Chengdu, China in September 2015. Prof. Mujumdar will give a keynote lecture there.
  7. A second Drying workshop will be held at NIFTEM, Kundli, India during 25-27 Feb 2015.
  8. A special issue of the Drying Technology Journal devoted to research only from Jiangnan University, Wuxi will be out in October 2014.

September 4, 2014

  1. IDS2014 was held successfully in Lyon. It was the 19th biennial event founded by Prof Mujumdar in 1978 at McGill University, Montreal. About 320 attended IDS. From 470 abstracts received 320 papers were presented which came from 25 countries. Brazil, France, China, Poland, etc were among the most prominent contributors.
  2. ADC2015 will be held August 10-12, 2015 in KL, Malaysia.
  3. Prof J T Friere of Brasil was given the Arun S Mujumdar Medal at IDS2014. He has mentored 35 Ph.D. and 30+ Masters students in Drying. The medal is given for excellent mentorship.
  4. Dr. Sachin Jangam received the Taylor and Francis Award for outstanding service to the Drying Technology journal.
  5. Dr. Poh Hee Joo was recently honored with a major Global Leadership Award in Singapore.
  6. The second edition of the Fluidization e-book edited by Dr. Laura Passos will be uploaded soon.
  7. A unique special issue of drying Technology containing 16 papers from the drying group at Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China will appear in November 2014.
  8. Two chapters have just been completed for a new Encyclopedia of Food and Nature( Elsevier). Also, two chapters are ready for a book on Drying to be published in India.
  9. Prof. Mujumdar will visit China from Sept 10 to Oct 10, 2014.

July 29, 2014

  1. The first copy of the enhanced 4th edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying has been received by Prof. Mujumdar. Out of its 65 chapters, 31 chapters were authored or co-authored by the Editor himself. The first edition appeared in 1987 after a 5-year single-handed effort in days of no Internet!
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will edit a new book series entitled Drying Technology for CRC Press.
  3. A special issue of Drying Technology will appear in 2014 (no 15) devoted only to drying R&D carried out at Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. This is possibly the first such issue ever to appear for any engineering and technology journal.

July 11, 2014

  1. To visit Prof Arun Mujumdar’s Google Scholar page click here.

July 03, 2014

  1. The 4th edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying will be available shortly. Please click here for the flyer with information about the contents and how readers may order a copy at a 25% discount.
  2. Prof Mujumdar will present a keynote lecture at IDS2014 which will focus on a SWAT analysis of IDS series which he founded in 1978 and continues as its Hon. President.
  3. Citations to TPR member publications have been rising at a fast clip in recent months with the current number at over 16,200 with an h-index of 58. It is gratifying to note interest in the fields of Drying as well as heat/mass transfer.

June 30, 2014

  1. Prof. Mujumdar has settled in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. He has an active affiliation with Mining Engineering and Bioresource  Engineering at McGill and Chemical Engineering at Western. Additionally, he is mentoring projects in China, India, Thailand, Brazil, etc.
  2. The 4th edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying will all ear next month. CRC will display it at IDS2014.

June 12, 2014

  1. Sachin is working with Prof. Benu Adhikari and Prof. Arun Mujumdar on a chapter entitled “Drying – Physical and Structural Changes” for the Encyclopedia of Food and Health.
  2. Prof Arun Mujumdar and Sachin are working on a chapter entitled “New developments in food dehydration” for a book entitled “Dehydration of Food Products”, being undertaken by NIFTEM as an outcome of 1st Workshop on Dehydration of Food and Agricultural Products (Principles, Practices, and prospects) held at NIFTEM during 25-26 March 2014.
  3. A research article entitled “Energy-Efficient Novel Heterogeneous Gaseous T-Junction Microreactor Design Utilizing Inlet Flow Pulsation” has been recently accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. This article is one of the four research papers which are the outcome of the pedagogy experiment (Research Project Based Learning) Prof Arun undertook while at the National University of Singapore.
  4. The Organizing Committee of International Conference Science & Technology of Drying 2014, Bogota, Colombia has invited Prof. Arun Mujumdar as a visiting professor.
  5. Prof. Arun recently visited his old colleagues at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. For recent pictures please visit Photo Gallery.

June 04, 2014

  1. For the flyer of the upcoming Handbook of Industrial Drying – Fourth Edition: click here.

May 17, 2014

  1. For the latest list of refereed publications and Editorials of Prof. Mujumdar over the past five years please click here.

May 12, 2014

  1. IDS2014

    The International Drying Symposium, organized by the Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 will take place from 24th August to 27th August 2014 at the Lyon Convention Centre in Lyon, France. The conference will cover areas like modeling and simulation of transport phenomena, material properties pertaining to water transport.
    This conference is the 18th event in the series founded by Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar at McGill University in 1978.
    From 2014, Taylor & Francis and Prof. Mujumdar will jointly sponsor the new IDS Founder’s Award for Outstanding Drying R&D and Exceptional Service to the Global Drying Community. It will be awarded annually; at IDS in even years and at Asia-Pacific or EuroDrying Conference in odd years.
    In addition, the Professor A.S.Mujumdar Medal will be presented at IDS2014.  Taylor & Francis will also sponsor an Award in Recognition of Contribution to Drying Technology Journal.
    The 4th Edition of Handbook of Drying will appear in August 2014. Best Paper and Best Paper awards at IDS2014 will include a copy of the new edition thanks to the publisher, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., USA.
    For details of the Major Awards program, please visit the website of IDS2014 (, Lyon, France. August 24-27, 2014.

May 05, 2014

  1. Drying Technology Journal – Top 10 Contributors.
    Mujumdar, A.S. 198
    Langrish, T.A.G. 56
    Soponronnarit, S. 49
    Zhang, M. 43
    Maroulis, Z.B. 41
    Raghavan, G.S.V. 36
    Kudra, T. 34
    Freire, J.T. 33
    Thorat, B.N. 30
    Chen, X.D. 29

    2. Drying Technology Journal – Impact factor for the last 10+ years.DRT statistics

May 02, 2014

  1. Simprosys 3.0 is the latest enhanced version of this user-friendly software. Click here for more details or contact Dr. Zhenxiang Gong.

April 29, 2014

  1. Prof Mujumdar is in Toronto. He is an Adjunct Professor at McGill University and University of Western Ontario. Also, he is actively working with ICT(Mumbai), NIFTEM( Delhi) and KMUTT( Bangkok) on diverse projects. The following are some of the recent publication statistics for Prof. Arun Mujumdar (Source – Scopus, accessed on April 27, 2014).

No of papers published – 555,

Total citations – 7889

The average number of citations/paper – 14.21

h-index – 40

Google Scholar h index. 56

For detailed statistics click here

April 04, 2014

  1. Prof. Mujumdar completes his 14-year continuous academic service in Asia and returns to Canada today to settle down. He was with McGill University until mid-2000 before joining NUS, Singapore.
    He plans to continue active research collaboration with several institutions around the world and help mentor the new generation of researchers in drying R&D as well as transport phenomena.

January 22, 2014

  1. Prof. Mujumdar was presented the National Award for International Cooperation in Science and Technology on January 10, 2014, In Beijing.
    The entire cabinet including the President and Prime Minister of China attended the event. A Gold Medal was presented by Vice Premier Liu (who is a chemical engineer) to the awardees. So far 84 such awards have been made by China since 1994.
    This award follows a similar award presented by the Governor of Jiangsu Province to Prof Mujumdar in February 2013. The award recognizes contributions to the development of drying technologies in China since 1984.
  2. Jiangnan University presented Honorary Professorship to Prof Mujumdar which is the highest honor given by the University only to give so far. JU is located in Wuxi which is a city of 6.5 million and rated the most liveable city in China in 2013. He met with the Deputy Mayor of Wuxi and discussed future collaboration including JU and local industries.
  3. Agus Sasmito will join McGill University as Assistant Professor at the end of this month. Best wishes, Agus!
  4. Karthik Somasundaram will join Oxis Energy Limited from March 2014. Best wishes for a successful industrial career, Karthik.
  5. Prof. Mujumdar completed a 4-month stay with HKUST; he is now with KMUTT in Bangkok.
  6. IDS2014 promises to be a major success with a record number of 460 accepted abstracts. A new Major award will be initiated, e .g. IDS 2014 viz IDS Founder’s Award for Exceptional Contribution to Drying Science, Engineering or Technology. Note: The following are links related to the award ceremony in Beijing and the Jiangnan University event including a link to the commemorative book produced by JU for the occasion. Over 12 PhDs, 10 Masters, 70 journal papers emerged out of a 12-year intensive collaboration. Considerable interaction with industry also was part of this cooperation.

Commemorative book from Jiangnan University. Click Here.

January 04, 2014


  1. Prof. Mujumdar completed his stay with HKUST and is now with KMUTT in Bangkok as a Distinguished Visiting Professor.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will be in Beijing and Wuxi in mid-January to receive a National Award and then participate in a conference with 30 presentations in Wuxi, Jiangsu province.
  3. Professor Mujumdar will be conferred the most prestigious Honorary Professorship by Jiangnan University of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China on January 13, 2014. Only five such awards have been made by JU so far and they include four Nobel Laureates.
  4. A commemorative book will be published in Wuxi. Sachin is compiling an e-book also as a memento.
  5. A comprehensive workshop on drying of foods will be held in Niftem, Kundli ( near New Delhi) in March /014. Visit the NIFTEM website for details.

November 26, 2013

  1. The 4th edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying, CRC Press, is now going for production. The authors will receive page proofs around the end of January 2013. The plan is to get this huge tome out in 2 volumes (65 chapters) by July 2014 just ahead of IDS2014. Two Best Paper awardees will get a copy each as Prize at IDS2014. All authors should be prepared to check the proofs within days of receipt. Thanks in advance for their cooperation.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will be a Distinguished Visiting Professor at KMUTT, Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand during January and February 2014.
  3. A member of Drying Technology’s Editorial Board, Prof. Mauri Fortes,  has been recognized by his alma mater Purdue University, the USA  for his outstanding contribution to research, education, and service in agricultural engineering. A former President of UNA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Dr. Fortes is also recognized by UNA by naming the University Library Dr. Mauri Fortes Library in 2013.
    A plaque commemorating the honor reads:
    Prof. Dr. Mauri Fortes, Through the years, your wisdom and vocation for a professorship, confirmed through your activities in academic management, teaching, and research, have inspired us to build in our institution an educational model that effectively contributes to transforming the society. Receive, as one of the most admirable representatives in the history of this University Center, the recognition, respect, and gratitude from all UNA Community. Belo Horizonte, February 4, 2013, UNA. Hearty congratulations and very best wishes for a highly productive and healthy future from all members of the global TPR group members!
  4. The latest Google Scholar citation count for Prof. Mujumdar is about 13350 with an h-index of 52.
  5. A new free e-book on drying and food processing has just been compiled. It is available for free download from the e-books section of this website.
  6. IDS2014 abstracts deadline is approaching fast. Please visit the conference website for details. Also, you are invited to nominate candidates for various major awards to be presented at IDS2014.
  7. Congratulations to Dr. Meng Wai Woo for the award of tenure by Monash University. He also received the Taylor & Francis Award for service contribution to the Drying Technology journal.

November 05, 2013

  1. Congratulations to Amir Tohidi on his successful completion of the Ph.D. degree. His advisor, Prof. Mostafa Hosseinalipour was Prof. Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University.
    Amir Tohidi received his Ph.D. from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2013. He was Dr. Hosseinalipour’s Ph.D. student of mechanical engineering in IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology) working on rheological models describing dough behavior, numerical simulation and experimental methods applied to dough development. A part of his research project was to devise and to manufacture a novel dough mixer based on chaos theory and registered as a new patent in Iran. It was devised based on a simple geometrical perturbation to induce chaotic advection in order to improve mixing performance which is considered as a hardship in the mixing phenomena of highly viscose materials. High viscous fluids have various applications in industries such as polymer production, food industry, and emulsion. Due to high energy consumption, the use of turbulent flow is not feasible or requires high viscosity. On the other hand, the use of high-speed blades may damage macromolecules of these fluids. Recently researchers are considering generating chaotic advection in these fluids, so as to increase the mixing and heat transfer rate in them. In a chaotic flow, closely spaced particles will diverge exponentially leading to an increased interface and a thusly higher rate of mixing and heat transfer. Studied show that simple changes in geometry and boundary conditions can result in a chaotic flow and also improve chaos in the stokes flow. Considering that stokes equations are valid for the dough in the intended mixer, the effect of physical and geometrical parameters on chaotic advection has been evaluated in this thesis. This mixer has been evaluated in the CAE center of Iran University of Science and Technology and has been proved to be chaotic by using numerical simulation and experimental tests.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar presented a seminar on The Global Engineer of the Future – A New Paradigm at HKUST. Click here for the PowerPoint slides of this talk.
  3. IDS2014 abstracts deadline is only a few weeks away.

October 17, 2013

  1. Manuscripts of new chapters and some revised chapters in the 4th edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying are with publisher.
  2. Page proofs should soon be arriving for the 5th and final volume of Modern Drying Technology.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar presented two seminars at Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar was a Plenary lecturer at 16th Chinese Drying Conference held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. He was given an Award for Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Drying Technology.
  5. Abstracts are due in December for IDS2014 to be held in Lyon, France, in August 2014.
  6. A theme issue of Drying Technology on Innovative Dryers will be guest-edited by Drs Chung Lim Law and Sachin Jangam.
  7. A workshop on Drying technology for the food industry will be held at NIFTEM, Kundli, India in March 2014.

August 30, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar has arrived in Hong Kong and is with HKUST.
  2. All-new chapters for the 4th edition are in are ready for dispatch to the publisher soon. Likewise, chapters that have been updated will also be sent within the next couple of weeks.
  3. Dr. Sachin V Jangam has joined NUS chemical engineering department as Lecturer. Hearty congrats to Sachin!
  4. Dr. Agus Pulung Sasmito has accepted a position with McGill University as Assistant Professor. Congrats to Agus!
  5. A new e-book on Solar Energy will be ready for upload soon.
  6. Prof Min  Zhang, Prof Li Zhanyong and Prof. Lixin Huang made a defense of the nomination of Prof Mujumdar for the Chinese National Award for International Cooperation in Nanjing on August 17th; their efforts are gratefully appreciated.
  7. Prof Mujumdar has been invited to give a keynote lecture in Colombia JB May 2014.

July 26, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will formally advise Simprotek in enhancing their Drying Suite “Simprosys” for efficient computations of drying systems which are necessarily coupled with numerous other unit operations which are all covered in this highly intuitive and user-friendly software developed by Dr. Zhanxiang Gong who was Prof. Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University, Canada. It is useful for academics and students as well as industry personnel. A trial version can be downloaded from
  2. The following announcement appears on the Simprotek website: The Drying Guru to Guide Simprosys in the coming years…
  3. Simprotek is pleased to announce that starting July 22, 2013, the World’s Drying Guru, Professor Arun S. Mujumdar formerly of McGill University, Montreal, Canada and currently just retired from the National University of Singapore becomes Senior Advisor to Simprosys and guides its development for both industrial and academic users on a global scale. Everyone knows Dr. Mujumdar as Founding Chair of the widely acclaimed International Drying Symposium (IDS) series since 1978, as Editor of the Bible of Drying: The Handbook of Industrial Drying and as Editor-in-Chief of Drying Technology-An International Journal. He has over 500 published papers, 3 authored books, and some 70 edited book volumes. His knowledge and experience in the drying area are simply unmatched by anyone in the world. He has contributed to archival drying literature as World’s number one with over 250 referred papers on drying while the subsequent positions have contributed less than half of his number. His knowledge of drying and associated issues is peerless in almost all industrial sectors. We believe that Simprosys can advance at a faster clip and become a globally recognized brand with the new expertise and experience we can bring to bear in our software development effort.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar will leave Singapore August 15th and join HKUST in late August 2013
  5. Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Chancellor of Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai( along with a dozen similar appointments!) visited Prof. Mujumdar July 20-21, 2013. In the 15-hour discussion sessions over two days, they exchanged views on R&D, academic research, engineering education, innovation, creativity and the future of chemical engineering. The last theme will be the theme of Dr. Mashelkar’s Plenary address to the World Chemical Engineering Congress to be held next month in Seoul, Korea. Among action items that emerged: an edited book on Innovation with invited experts from India and China followed by an Innovation Summit between the two Asian Giant economies in the area of Inclusive Innovation– a theme dear to the heart of Dr. Mashelkar who pioneered it.
  6. Really good news: a proposal for the development of a Nanotechnology Centre for training and research in India succeeded in winning support for a substantial grant from a source in India to develop the Centre first in the USA and then in India as well. I am one of the signatories to the initial proposal which I thought would make a huge contribution to India and in fact the world. Congrats to the young originator and chief driver Dr. Konduru Nagarjun, currently at Harvard University.
  7. Dr. Sachin V Jangam has joined NUS as a Lecturer in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. All the best, Sachin.
  8. All manuscripts (but one) have arrived and been edited for inclusion in the 4th edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying. It will be a 2 volume tome with over 65 chapters. The manuscripts will be sent to CRC Press by July 29th.

June 06, 2013

  1. Please look up for the significance of the impact factor and citations in assessing academic research and journal quality. The blog gives interesting views on the use of I F in general and its limitations.
  2. Editorial work on the 4th Edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying (CRC Press) is in progress. Authors of new chapters are asked to submit their chapters urgently for final processing.
  3. Volume 5 of Modern Drying Technology is nearly complete and should be off the press later in 2013.
  4. Five papers are at various stages of processing. TPR Group published over 30 journal papers in 2012. The total count of journal papers by Prof. Mujumdar has exceeded the 500 marks.
  5. Note that DRYING’84 will be archived by Springer. See the message below:
    Thank you for your feedback on the Springer Book Archives. We would like to confirm that we have received the data you submitted regarding your book Drying ’84 ISBN 978-3-540-13429-9.
  6. The 19th International Drying Symposium will be held in Lyon, France in August 2014. Please click here for details.

May 23, 2013

  1. Dr. Zen Gong, developer of the well known user-friendly software for flow sheeting calculations involving drying, evaporation, filtration, mixing as well as a large number of unit operations has upgraded the Simprosys program. Please click here for a brief outline of its capabilities and contact Simprotek for the availability of trial software. Dr. Gong was Professor Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University and studied the intricacies of industrial drying simulation needs and applications while a Ph.D. student almost two decades ago.
  2. Dr. Shek Atiquere Rahman is organizing a Symposium on Sustainable Energy at Sharjah University, Abu Dhabi in 2014.
  3. IDS2014 will be held in Lyon in August 2014. Please visit their website for deadlines and details.
  4. EuroDrying2013 will be held in Paris in September 2013. Visit their website for details.

May 14, 2013

  1. Please click here for abbreviated information giving a short professional profile (list form, not complete) and also plans after moving from NUS in mid-August 2013. New contact information is also provided there.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar is invited to the International Advisory Committee of CHEMCON 2013 to be held in Mumbai in December 2013.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar is invited to be an advisor and member of the scientific committee of an International Symposium on Sustainable Energy to be held at the University of Sharjah, UAE in early 2014.
  4. In November 2013 he will attend a 3-day meeting of the International Program Committee of the Process Technology Institute of Delft Technical University, Delft, Holland.

May 08, 2013

  1. Dr. Sachin Jangam will join NUS Chemical Engineering Department as Lecturer from July 1, 2013. Congrats, Sachin.
  2. Dr. Karthik Somasundaram has joined Prof. A.O. Tay’s research group to work on thermal management of batteries.
  3. Drs. Sachin, Jundika, and Karthik have submitted final reports on their work for M3TC. The grant that established M3TC for five and a half years expired on March 31, 2013. Numerous M3TC Technical reports currently on the m3tc website will be available on this site. The NUS site will cease in mid-August 2013.
  4. Editorial processing for vol 5 of Modern Drying Technology (VCH-Wiley, Germany) is nearly completed for the late 2013 publication. TPR has 2 chapters in this volume.
  5. Prof. Mujumdar is now working on the 4th enhanced edition of the widely acclaimed Handbook of Industrial Drying (CRC Press, USA). There will be about 12 new chapters and many chapters updated. The publication is expected in the latter half of 2014.
  6. Two new e-books are being prepared for late 2013 to early 2014 completion.
  7. Prof. Christopher Yap (main) and Dr. Erik Birgersson ( Co-Advisor) will take over from Prof.Mujumdar the mentorship of Marjan Shaker and Tongwei over the remaining 18 months of their Ph.D. research. He will continue mentoring them from overseas until they complete their doctoral work.
  8. An initiative to establish a US$30 million educational and research facility in Andhra Pradesh has advanced significantly. It is an initiative of Dr. Nagarjun of Harvard who has assembled a group of world-class researchers in nanotechnology in support of the proposal and facility. Prof. Mujumdar has supported this initiative.

March 19, 2013

  1. Freely downloadable e-book entitled “Fluidization Engineering Practice” is now available at
  2. Click here to download a special report on 7th WFCFD held at ICT, Mumbai, February 2013.
  3. M3TC will cease operations as Centre effective March 31, 2013. However, the PIs can be reached for potential collaboration with the industry directly. Various technical reports produced by Prof Mujumdar’s group will be available at his personal site for a couple of years. Use google search to access them.
  4. Prof Mujumdar gave a seminar on University-Industry interaction including pros and cons and ways to potentially enhance it. The PPT can be downloaded here.
  5. Good luck and best wishes to Drs Sachin Jangam, Karthik Somsundaram, and Jundika Kurnia as they complete their productive stay with M3TC.
  6. Prof. Mujumdar will remain with the ME department until mid-August.

March 18, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar received an award from Jiangsu province of China which has a GDP of half of India’s. The award is for International Cooperation in Science and Technology. The Governor of the province made the presentation on February 22 in Nanjing. The award certificate is shown below.
  2. Prof J Litster of Purdue University was the second recipient of Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar Distinguished Visiting Professorship at ICT, Mumbai, India. The certificate and a photograph from the event are shown below.
  3. Prof Mujumdar gave a talk on Academia-Industry Interaction to ME faculty on March 15th. For PDF of the        PowerPoint please click here.
  4. 4. M3TC grant ends on March 31st, 2013.

February 28, 2013

  1. Prof. Sakamon Devahastin, a Ph.D. student of Prof. Mujumdar at McGill University, Canada, was recently recognized by the National Research Council of Thailand with the award of their prestigious National Outstanding Researcher Award. Click here to view the medal. Hearty congratulations, Sak, from TPR Research Group/Family!
  2. Prof. Mujumdar was conferred the highest Science and Technology Award by the Governor of Jiangsu Province, China, for International Cooperation. The august award ceremony was held in Nanjing on February 22nd, 2013. Prof. Mujumdar had prior commitments in Mumbai at the same time and hence could not accept the award in person. Click here to view the certificate.

February 08, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will present a public lecture on Personal Perspectives on University-Industry Interaction at the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai on February 20, 2013. It is sponsored under Dr. Balwant S Joshi Distinguished Visiting Professorship at ICT for 2012-2013. He will also lecture in the 7th WFCFD International Workshop being held there Feb. 21-23, 2013. For a synopsis of the lecture please click here.
  2. Dr. Karun Malhotra, CTO of Murata Electronics R&D, Kyoto, Japan will be visiting TPR on February 18, 2013.TPR Group wishes all Visitors a very happy, healthy and successful Year of the Snake.

February 06, 2013

  1. The following posters depict the long history of the close connection between various universities and industries in China and Prof. Mujumdar while he was at McGill University, Canada and after mid-2000 when he joined NUS, Singapore.

January 31, 2013

  1. Prof. James Lister, Director of Graduate Studies, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, USA, has been appointed Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar Visiting Fellow, 2012-2013, by the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. He will lecture at the 7th WFCFD conference in Mumbai in February 2013.
  2. M3TC successfully conducted a Workshop on Industrial Drying on Saturday, January 26th, 2013. There were a number of participants from Malaysia. The speakers were: Prof. Mujumdar (NUS), Dr. Sachin Jangam (M3TC), Prof. Chung Lim Law ( Nottingham University, KL. Malaysia) and Prof. S. Devahastin (KMUTT, Thailand). Interestingly all three co-lecturers were mentored by Prof. Mujumdar during their doctoral studies in the field of drying. Lecture Notes in the form of handouts of the Powerpoint slides can be downloaded freely at here. Click here for some photos from the workshop.

  3. Prof. Mujumdar has joined the Editorial Board of Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition: An Open Access International Journal for 2 years beginning February 15, 2013.

January 25, 2013

  1. Following is a poster from Prof Wu Zhonghua of Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China. It depicts the long history of the close connection between various universities and industries in China and Prof. Mujumdar while he was at McGill University, Canada and after mid-2000 when he joined NUS, Singapore. The cooperation started in 1984 with a seven-day intensive course on Industrial Drying: Principles & Practice.- at the invitation of the Ministry of Light Industry, China. The course was held at the Tianjin Institute of Light Industry later renamed Tianjin University of Science & Technology- one of 17 universities located in Tianjin. Prof. Mujumdar was the prime mover for the compilation of the first major handbook in drying technology almost completely written in China by local experts. He was the Advisory Editor and author of several chapters that appeared in this book, already in the second edition.
  2. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin and Dr. Law Chung Lim are amongst the Guest Faculty of the Workshop on Industrial Drying being held under M3TC auspices on January 26, 2013.

January 21, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar was a Keynote Speaker at the First International NIFTEM Conference held in New Delhi, January 10-11, 2013.
  2. Congratulations to Hafiz Osman who has submitted his final revised M Eng thesis to NUS today.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar is a finalist in the competitive Award from Jiangsu Province for contribution to science and technology. The presentation will be made by the Governor of Jiangsu Province sometime in February 2013.
  4. The following are the latest statistics on journal publications from the TPR Group. Note that it does not include books, book chapters, proceedings papers as well as M3TC Technical reports and e-books which can be freely downloaded from our sites. The output is certainly exemplary and all members of the group deserve to be complimented for their productivity.
    Date archived: January 21, 2013
    Dr. Sachin Jangam, NUS, Singapore
    Total no of papers published – 488
    Total no of citations – 5942
    h-index – 35
    Highest cited paper – no of citations 415
    Wang, X.-Q., Mujumdar, A.S. Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids: a review. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2007, 46 (1), pp. 1-19.

January 07, 2013

TPR Group wishes our Visitors a very happy, healthy and productive 2013! 2013 will be a game-changing year for TPR. Look for further news here in the coming weeks.

  1. Singapore’s newsweekly Tabla published a detailed article on Prof. Mujumdar and his water coloring hobby to de-stress. Please visit and look at pages 7-8 of the Dec 21 issue.
  2. Prof Mujumdar visited the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai in connection with coal drying project and lab tests to obtain drying kinetics needed for modeling effort at M3TC.
  3. Dr. Wang Xiangqi of Critics in Shanghai visited M3TC in December. Dr. Wang did his Ph.D. here under Prof Mujumdar, then worked with M3TC and GE Research in Shanghai.
  4. TPR has had a productive year. Relevant stats will be posted soon. Congrats to all.
  5. Work has begun on the 4th edition of the Handbook with some 10 new chapters.

January 04, 2013

  1. Prof. Mujumdar is a Member of the Advisory Committee for the 11th International Conference on Mining, Materials and Petroleum Engineering, and the 7th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology to be held on 11-13 November 2013 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

December 24, 2012

  1. A short article about Prof. Mujumdar is published in Tabla – a weekly magazine. Visit to read the article.

December 10, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar received his second Doctor Honoris Causa on November 30, 2012, from the University of Lyon1, Lyon, France. Click Here.
  2. Please visit for the 10th year-end Newsletter of M3TC for more details about the Award ceremony at IDS2012 in Xiamen, China as well as Prof. Mujumdar’s visit to TU Delft Process Technology Institute, The Netherlands.

November 18, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar was presented Lifetime Achievement Award at IDS2012 held very successfully in Xiamen, China last week. This was 18th in a widely acclaimed series started by Prof.Mujumdar at McGill University in 1978. IDS spawned numerous other major conference series devoted to Drying R&D. Drying Technology Journal also emerged as an off-shoot after three successful IDSs in 1978, 1980 and 1982.

  2. Prof. Mujumdar Medal for Outstanding Mentorship and Excellence in Sustained Drying R&D was given to Professor Emeritus R. B. Keey of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Prof. Keey’s pioneering and outstanding contribution to drying research are well known globally. A number of his Ph.D. students have become major contributors to Drying R&D- a key requirement that makes very few around the world eligible for the Medal-initiated by Prof. Guohua Chen and colleagues/associated at ADC2007 held in Hong Kong.

  3. Prof. Mujumdar will receive Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Lyon1 in France on November 30, 2012.

November 11, 2012

  1. The following statistics on contributors to Drying were obtained from Scopus on November 11, 2012
    Top 5 contributors in the World to Drying Technology Journal
    Arun S Mujumdar, Singapore (152)
    Tim Langrish, Australia (46)
    S Soponronnarit, Thailand (41)
    Z Maroulis  Greece(41)
    T Kudra, Canada (31)
    Top 5 contributors in the World to Drying  field- all archival journals (using drying as a keyword)
    Arun S Mujumdar (266)
    Tim Langrish (109)
    S Soponronnarit (113)
    GSV Raghavan  Canada(99)
    Sokhansanj, S. Canada (90)

  2. Prof. Mujumdar is appointed as Adjunct Professor in Bioresources Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Canada

  3. Prof. Mujumdar has initiated processing for the 4th Enhanced Edition of the widely acclaimed “Bible of Drying” and “Drying Consultant on the Desk”- Handbook of Industrial Drying, CRC Press. It is scheduled to be completed by July 2013.

  4. The 5th and final volume of the Modern Drying Technology set is being finalized. 5. The 30th-anniversary volume of Drying Technology Journal is now complete.

  5. M3TC will hold a workshop on Industrial Drying Technology: Principles and Practice on January 26, 2013. It is free and open to academics and industry. Click here for details.

November 05, 2012

  1. M3TC Considers R&D Consortia
    In order to make R&D truly cost-effective and benefit from the high-quality engineering talent of the Faculty of Engineering of NUS available to industry through M3TC, M3TC plans to develop one or more R&D consortia. The concept is simple: M3TC will propose an R&D program and seek a limited number of industry partners on a cost-sharing basis. This will reduce the cost to each member considerably. Details are being worked out. Currently, we propose consortia in one or more of the following themes where M3TC has recognized expertise:
    • Low-rank coal upgrading
    • Biomining
    • Water pollution control in mining
    Other themes may also be considered. Interested industry personnel is invited to contact Dr. Karthik at or Professor Mujumdar at Please visit for detailed information about M3TC.

October 23, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will present a short talk at IDS2012 Opening Ceremony in Xiamen next month on “Historical Perspective of the IDS Series -The global journey” from 1978 to 2012. For PPT of this presentation click here.
  2. M3TC has just published its 9th Newsletter in a remarkably valuable recording of its accomplishments in a relatively short period of time. These capsule summaries provide a quick look at areas covered by M3TC and its outcomes – both industry-relevant and academic. Visit . Drs Karthik and Jangam edit the series with direct input and guidance from Prof. Mujumdar.
  3. Osman Hafiiz will soon submit his MEng thesis. An M3TC report covering his EDEM modeling work will be available shortly on

October 15, 2012

  1. TPR Group has following papers scheduled for presentation at IDS2012, Xiamen, China, November 11-16,2012
    by Z. H. Wu, J. Zhang, Z.Y. Li, A.S. Mujumdar
    Additionally, Prof. Mujumdar will present a short historical perspective of the IDS series he started in 1978 at McGill University, Canada.
  2. M3TC’s latest newsletter – 8th in the series- is now available for free download at .

  3. There is a tentative plan to hold a day-long workshop in January 2013 on Industrial Drying with emphasis on new developments and applications in the foods, pharmaceutical, biotech, and energy sectors.

  4. The following are the latest statistics on research collaboration between TPR and Jiangnan University. It shows how effective research collaboration can be. It resulted in a significant research grant from Pepsico USA to Jiangnan University and some 10 Ph.D. theses as well. Patents emerging from the effort are being applied in industry in China. Overall a highly productive effort.

    Data accessed October 12, 2012
    No of articles with Professor Min Zhang, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. (in peer-reviewed journals) – 55 Total number of citations – 556, Average citation per paper – 10.11
    h-index – 15, Most cited paper – cited by 118
    Zhang, M., Tang, J., Mujumdar, A.S., Wang, S. Trends in microwave-related drying of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2006, 17(10), 524-534.

  5. Additionally, there are joint book chapters and conference papers that are not counted in the above statistics.

September 24, 2012

  1. The latest SCOPUS statistics obtained by Dr. Karthik on 20.09.2012 on publications from Prof. Mujumdar’s Group are as follows. Note that the total number includes editorials, book reviews, conference reports, etc which amount to over 150. Average citations per paper should be corrected accordingly. TPR Group has been productive in quantity as well as quality.
    Current h index: 34
    Total no of articles till date: 601
    Total no of citations: 5854
    Cites from 2008 onward to all papers: 3772
    Average citations per paper: 9.74
    Most cited paper – 362 citations
    Wang X. and Mujumdar, A.S. Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids: A Review, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2007, 46(1), 1-19.
    Nanofluids heat transfer continues to draw serious attention from researchers around the world.
  2. Readers interested in a short write-up linking quality of publications with quality may click here for a draft editorial on the theme. Studies show that there is a positive correlation between how prolific a researcher is in his/her productivity and the impact or quality of his/her work. This is also found to be valid empirically for patents.
  3. The entire management team of M3TC is invited for an industry-focused “Invitation-only” International Symposium on Niobium –Based Steels and Alloys to be held in Singapore on November 5-7, 2012.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar is a Plenary Speaker at PharmaTech 2012 Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur, November 20-21. IDS2012 in Xiamen will be held during November 12-14, 2012.
  5. The President of the University of Lyon1, France has confirmed the formal conferral of the Doctor Honoris Causa degree in Lyon on November 30, 2012.
  6. Sachin Jangam gives a presentation on M3TC/NUS and his work on LRC Upgrading at ICT, Mumbai September 24, 2012. Tests are underway at ICT to generate drying kinetic data for modeling of moving bed and vibrated bed as well as screw conveyor drying of LRC to estimate the approximate size of different dryers for the same duty.

September 17, 2012

  1. Congratulations to Karthik Somasundaram for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis on September 14th, 2012! Great job, Karthik!
  2. Sachin will present a seminar giving an overview of M3TC/NUS/TPR to the chemical engineering department of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai – top ChE department of India. He will also obtain drying kinetic data on LRC coal samples needed for our math modeling effort to size and compare different dryer types. We have collaboration with TPR member Prof. B N Thorat of ICT.
  3. Dr. Karun Malhotra, Chief Technology Officer of Murata Electronics, Kyoto is expected to visit M3TC and give a talk on December 6th. Mark your calendar. He was Prof. Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University, Canada who did his Ph.D. jointly with Kyoto University.
  4. IDS2012 in Xiamen has attracted over 300 papers.
  5. Dr. Agus Sasmito is to be complimented for being invited to write a book for a major publisher. Well done, Agus! He is already productive at Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi.
  6. Prof. Mujumdar will be conferred the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the University of Lyon 1 on November 30, 2012, at a function in Lyon. He will attend the International Program Committee meeting of the well known Process Technology Centre of Delft University, The Netherlands. The Centre has some 13 Chairs and over 175 Ph.D. students with very significant industry participation.
  7. TPR has had five journal papers accepted in the past two weeks. We also reviewed some 10 papers for different journals in the same period.
  8. Congratulations to Dr. Suna Polat who has started a consulting firm specializing in Open Innovation, called Winnovate1. To subscribe to her blog. She held a senior position at P&G in Cincinnati, OH., the USA in Innovation. All the best, Suna. I am proud to count her amongst my mentees; she did her Ph.D. at McGill.
  9. The Clean Coal Technology Workshop held by M3TC last week was a huge success with over 80% of participants from the industry. Please visit for an e-book of the proceedings of this valuable workshop.

September 06, 2012

  1. A workshop on Clean Coal Technologies- New Developments was held successfully on September 4th with Prof Y Itaya of Gifu University, Japan as Principal Lecturer. Prof Wang (ChBE), Prof Bala ( M3TC), Dr. Lease (M3TC) and Dr. Jangam (M3TC) presented various aspects of CCTs. Many thanks to these speakers for their great effort. Prof Mujumdar introduced speakers and also NUS as well as M3TC’s, scope, achievements, vision, and operations. Over 35 attendees participated- a majority from industry in Singapore, Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Hong Kong. The response from participants was very positive with Mr. Rao of India making a Thank You presentation appreciating the effort of all speakers and M3TC.
    Click here for the program of the workshop.
    Click here for a group photo of participants (which does not include all participants as some have to leave before the end of the session).
    M3TC hopes to organize a follow-up workshop covering additional themes.
    Interested parties can download the proceedings of the workshop from the website until September 30, 2012.

September 04, 2012

  1. A Workshop on Clean Coal Technology was held very successfully on September 4, 2012. The total number of participants exceeded with a majority from outside NUS academic community. Seven participants came from India and Indonesia. The handouts provided to attendees will be made available to external parties on the website of M3TC for a period of 4 weeks. Prof. Y. Itaya of Gifu University, Japan, was one of the main speakers. He is spending this week with M3TC as Visiting Professor.
  2. M3TC had a valuable meeting on September 1, 2012, with Mr. Jon Coates, Chief Geologist of BHP Billiton on areas of interest to his company and R&D projects within M3TC.
  3. Dr. Jangam has just checked the latest published statistics for Prof. Mujumdar. They are as follows: Number of papers published in Drying Technology Journal – 194 with 2315 citations. The total number of papers on drying- 287 which attracted 3418 citations. The total number of papers on the Scopus database covering all themes is 512 with 5643 citations. Overall TPR Group has been productive and making an impact. For engineering papers, especially for a specialized area, these metrics are considered very high.
  4. Karthik Somasundaram will defend his Ph.D. thesis on September 14, 2012.
  5. A new e-book on Solar Drying has been uploaded on our e-books section. Please look it up. Xu Peng has updated the Math Modeling book which now appears as the second edition. It includes a new chapter on radiation heat transfer by Prof. Y. Itaya. An e-book on Fluidization Engineering edited by Dr. Maria Laura Passos is in the final stages of editorial processing.
  6. Work on the 4th edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying has begun. An invited paper on Dryers for Particulate Solids for KONE journal has been accepted for publication ( DJ Lee, S Jangam and ASM). Several journal papers have been accepted for publication in the last one month.

August 21, 2012

  1. The 30th-anniversary issue of Drying Technology Journal has just come out. It is cited by highly reputed researchers in drying and the papers are by Who’s Who in Drying. The issue is put together to honor Prof. Mujumdar who is the Editor-in-Chief. Click here for the Guest Editorial and a tribute written by Prof. C. Strumillo.
  2. Jundika officially received his Ph.D. during NUS Commencement 2012. Congratulations Dr. Jundika!

August 13, 2012

  1. Workshop on “Principles and Modeling of Underground Mine Ventilation Systems” was held successfully at NUS on August 3, 2012. 20 participants attended the workshop. Click here for the proceedings of the workshop.
  2. Click here to read the short article on “The art of drying and de-stressing” about Prof. Mujumdar’s watercolors published in the August issue of Connections – NUS Faculty of Engineering newsletter.
  3. An e-book on solar drying is under editing by Dr. Sachin and Prof. Mujumdar and will be released soon.

July 17, 2012

  1. Following are some recent statistics for Prof Arun’s publications
    From Scopus (Accessed on July 15, 2012)
    Papers published since 2009 – present: 107
    Citations to these 107 paper till date: 360
    Overall statistics on publications of TPR (with Prof. Mujumdar as co-author or author Only ISI journal papers. Excludes books, conference proceedings, etc.)
    Current h index: 32
    Total no of articles till date: 521
    Total no of citations: 5680
    Cites from 2008 onward to all papers: 3602
    Average citations per paper: 10.9
    Most cited paper – 339 citations
    Wang X. and Mujumdar, A.S. Heat transfer characteristics of nano-fluids: A Review, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2007, 46(1), 1-19.
  2. M3TC will hold a workshop on Underground Mine Ventilation on August 3, 2012. It is free and open to academics and industry. Details on .
  3. Professor Y. Itaya of Gifu University ( formerly of Nagoya University) will visit M3TC in September. A workshop on Clean Coal Technology will be organized during his stay. Details will be available at .
  4. Prof. D J lee (NTU, Taipei) and Prof Mujumdar were joint authors of a Plenary Lecture at the Asian Particle Technology Conference (APT-5) held at NUS in July 2012. Over 220 participants from 23 countries participated in a high-quality program. Dr. Sachin Jangam made a presentation on our DEM work on screw conveyor heat transfer.
  5. IDS 2012 will be held in Xiamen in November. Manuscript deadline is July 23, 2012.
  6. The 30th Anniversary issue of Drying Technology is now in press. It signals a long and hard journey of the journal which helped establish the new interdisciplinary R&D area of Drying Technology. With energy crunch and concerns over global climate change interest in Drying R&D continues to rise globally thanks to the IDS and its sister conference series and the journal and books like the Handbook of Industrial drying and series such as Advances in Drying and Modern Drying Technology.
  7. TPR is contributing 2 chapters to vol 5 (final vol) of Modern Drying Technology and an invited article on Advances in Drying for KONA (Japan).
  8. Congratulations to Dr. Jundika Kurnia on receiving his Ph.D. diploma. Prof. Mujumdar was on the platform party at NUS ME Commencement on July 12th where Jundika received his diploma.
  9. Hearty congratulations to the proud parents; Sachin and Suchitra became proud parents of a baby boy in June 2012!
  10. The second edition of Professional Profile of Professor Arun S Mujumdar was compiled by Dr. Sachin Jangam. It can be accessed by clicking here. Thank you, Sachin!

July 09, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar was recognized with a plaque and a certificate for “Excellent Achievements in Transport Phenomena R&D and Mentorship of Young Researchers Worldwide” at the International Conference on Food Processing in KL, June 2012. Click here for the award certificate.
  2. Dr. Sachin Jangam was a keynote speaker and also the recipient of an award at the International Conference on Food Processing in KL, June 2012. Click here for the award certificate.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar coauthored a Plenary Lecture with Prof. T J Lee of NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, at the Asian Particle Technology (APT5) conference held at NUS July 2-5, 2012.
  4. Dr. T Tuncal of Department of Environmental Engineering, Corlu Engineering Faculty, Namik Kemal University, Turkey has been promoted to Associate Professorship. Congrats Dr. Tuncal.

June 25, 2012

  1. Please visit which provides new information on the simulation software for flowsheets involving heat, mass and momentum transfer. There are new updates and there will be many more extensions in the coming years. Dr. ZhenXiang Gong did his Ph.D. under the guidance of Professor Mujumdar at McGill University, Montreal, Canada in mid-nineties.
  2. Dr. Suna Polat has taken early retirement from Procter& Gamble Technical Center’s famed Innovation division where she was Associate Director. She has established a consulting firm Winnovate1 in Cincinnati, Oh. The USA, which will assist corporations to develop and benefit from Open Innovation strategies which P&G is world-famous for. All the best to you, Suna, from the TPR network.
  3. Some latest citation counts for Prof. Mujumdar, thanks to Sachin. Google Scholar gives 1040 as the number of published documents ( inclusive of boo chapters, editorials, book reviews, etc) and  10,500+ citations.  ISI and Scopus give the published articles as 485 and 505 with corresponding citation numbers of 5270 and 5375, respectively. The h index is 34 for ISI and 33 for Scopus. Congratulations to all members of TPR for their exceptional productivity!
  4. Prof. Mujumdar has been named to the Scientific/Organizing Committee of the World Mining Conference (WMC) to be held in Montreal in August 2013. M3TC will present 2-3 papers in the sessions dealing with Underground Mine Ventilation- a theme of major interest to the mining industry worldwide due to energy, environmental and safety aspects.
  5. Tongwei passed her Qualifying examination to proceed towards her Ph.D. Congratulations, Tongwei.
  6. Dr. Sachin Jangam is congratulated on being a proud father of a baby boy on June 21st, 2012. All the best!
  7. ADC2011 (2nd issue) is now ready. In fact, all 16 issues of the Drying Technology journal are now ready. As a result of Journal Matthew Effect (see my upcoming editorial on the subject) our manuscript flow has been rising with the rise in impact factor which is now above 2.0 for 2011 placing the journal at the 17th rank amongst 122 ME journals- a remarkable achievement for a technology journal meeting both academic and industrial needs.
  8. Hafiz Osman will be joining the private sector from August 2nd, 2012. He will complete his MEng (part-time) sometime this year. Best wishes, Hafiz!
  9. Xu Peng is working on the second volume of the e-book Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes. A number of TPR members will be authors for the second volume as well.
  10. Prof. Zhonghua Wu presented two seminars last week for M3TC. The themes of sludge drying and pulse combustion are both of keen interest to M3TC and TPR Group. We hope to develop active cooperation in this area.
  11. A limited supply of hard copies of two softcover books edited by Sachin Jangam is available on request till the supply lasts. They are Perspectives on R&D, Globalization and Innovation and Professional Profile of Prof A.S. Mujumdar.

June 20, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar and Dr. Sachin Jangam had Keynote presentations at the 2nd Int. Symp. on Processing and Drying of Foods held successfully at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia.
  2. Dr. Sachin Jangam was presented with the “Outstanding Young Researcher Award” and Prof. Mujumdar was recognized with a plaque for ” Excellent Achievements in Transport Phenomena R&D and Mentorship of Young Researchers Worldwide”. Click here for an image of the award.
  3. Associate Prof. Sakamon Devahastin has been awarded the most prestigious Outstanding Researcher Award in Thailand. Details to follow. Hearty congrats to Sakamon!
  4. Special 30th Anniversary issues of Drying Technology journal are ready for publication.
  5. Prof. Mujumdar has reviewed all 10 papers from the Middle East Drying Conference pre-selected by the organizing committee. After peer review, some of these papers will appear in Drying Technology. The impact factor for the journal in 2011 has crossed the 2.0 mark.
  6. Prof. Z. Wu presented a keynote lecture in KL at the ICDFVF. He will present two seminars under M3TC sponsorship this week.

May 29, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar participated in the Opening ceremony as well as a Closing session at the 13th Geominetech Conference held in Bhubaneshwar, India in May 2012. He also presented an invited paper on M3TC as a Model for Academia-Industry Cooperation in R&D.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar met with Prof. G. D. Yadav, Vice-Chancellor of the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai, which recently received Elite status from the Govt. of Maharashtra. He also had an informal chat with members of the Advanced Drying Laboratory at ICT.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar has been named to the International Programme Committee of the Technical University of Delft Institute for Process Technology, The Netherlands, which consists of eminent internationally recognized academics as well as senior industrial R&D representatives. This Institute has over 175 Ph.D. students.
  4. IDS2012 has attracted over 350 abstracts. It will be held in Xiamen, China in November 2012.
  5. Drying Technology journal has broken a record and attained impact factor for 2011 which is about 2.1. As expected the manuscript flow has increased significantly as well.
  6. Work has started on a 56-chapter 4th edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying (CRC Press) to be completed by mid-2013.
  7. Work on 2 chapters for the 5th and last volume of the series Modern Drying Technology (VCH-Wiley) is in full swing.
  8. Several new e-books are under preparation.
  9. Tong Wei will defend her Ph.D. proposal this week.

May 22, 2012

  1. Continuation of Professor Arun Mujumdar as an Honorary Distinguished Platinum Jubilee Professor at the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai, India. Click here for more details. ICT is an autonomous university (similar to IITs) and has recently received Elite status from the State Government. It’s Chemical Engineering ranks first amongst al in India and in research output measured as publications in ISI journals it is ranked 3-4 in the world. Its alumni include billionaires Mukesh Ambani and Dr. Reddy as well as globally recognized academics like Prof. M.M. Sharma, Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Prof. J. B. Joshi et al. Click here to view Prof Arun’s new name card.
  2. Dr. Zdzslaw Pakowski has been selected to Professorship at Lodz Technical University, Poland. The position is awarded by the President of Poland. A highly deserved major honor indeed.
  3. Hearty congratulations! Dr. Sakamon Devahastin is named Associate Dean (Research) at KMUTT, Thonburi, Thailand. Congratulations, Sakamon!

May 10, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar will give a Keynote Lecture about M3TC at the 12th Geo-mining Conference to be held on May 11-12, 2012 in Bhubaneshwar, India. He will also present a technical paper providing an overview of Low-Rank Coal Upgrading jointly authored with Sachin Jangam. M3TC is a co-sponsor of this international conference.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar will visit the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai to discuss ongoing collaborative projects and develop new projects of mutual interest for M3TC in the energy and environmental areas. He will also discuss low-rank coal upgrading technologies with senior technical and management staff of the Tata Power Co. Head Office in Mumbai. He will return to Singapore on May 19th.
  3. Dr. Agus has just completed a paper for publication on the use of PCM cooling technology for thermal management of fuel cell stacks in a cold environment. This is part of TPR collaboration with Prof. Tariq Shamim of Masdar Institute of Technology based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  4. Pulsed Opposing Jets is the main theme of cooperation of a new joint research project initiated by a Master’s student in Dr. M. Alipour’s laboratory in Tehran, Iran. Prof. Alipour was Prof. Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, where he modeled impinging and opposing turbulent jet flows. Associate Prof. Xu Peng is also actively pursuing joint cooperation in multiple pulsed impinging and opposing jet area. The idea is to find ways of enhancing impinging jet heat transfer rates. Dr. Xu Peng was a Visiting Ph.D. student in TPR Group at NUS for a period of two years with China Government support.

May 03, 2012

  1. Dr. Muthuswamy Karthikeyan ( Karthi) has been promoted to Vice President by Surbana in Singapore. Karthi, along with Dr. Joshua and Prof. Mujumdar, drafted the proposal document leading to M3TC.
  2. Dr. Gong Zhenxiang has been promoted to Staff Engineer by his company in California which makes biomedical devices. Z-X was Prof. Mujumdar’s Ph.D. student at McGill University.
  3. Dr. Peng Xu has been promoted to Associate Professor at China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China.
  4. Dr. Poh Hee Joo has been promoted to a higher rank as Scientist at IHPC. Hearty Congratulations to all members of the TPR Group. Well done!
  5. Dr. Peng Xu is now writing a book entitled “Physical Transport in Fractal Porous Media”, with Prof. Boming Yu in Huazhong University of Science and Technology as co-author.

April 28, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar and Dr. Lease of M3TC participated in a by-invitation-only International Symposium on Sustainable Use of Low-Rank Coals held last week in Melbourne, Australia. The event was attended by senior industry personnel and R&D/academics from some 20 countries. It was an extremely valuable event for M3TC which has several key projects related to the low-rank coal-from upgrade to gasification to value-addition.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar visited Monash University in Clayton, Victoria where he met with the HoD of Chemical engineering Department, Dean of Engineering as well as the Chancellor of the University and discussed various matters of mutual interest in R&D, climate change, engineering education, and international cooperation. This was followed by a visit to CSIRO Labs in Clayton where Prof. Mujumdar made a presentation on M3TC and ongoing R&D projects. There are numerous areas of mutual interest between M3TC and Monash University academics as well as CSIRO researchers. We shall explore this potential further in the coming months.
  3. The highlight of Prof. Mujumdar’s visit to Monash University was the opportunity to have extended and highly stimulating discussions with his close friend from undergraduate days at ICT, Mumbai, Dr. R A Mashelkar-about innovation, education of engineers and R&D in India in particular and globally in general. He received an autographed copy of his latest book: “Reinventing India” –which was fascinating enough to be read fully over the long haul flight from Melbourne to Changi! This book is highly recommended to anyone interested in learning about innovation, IP, More for Less for Many philosophies of innovation, etc. RAM is indeed an incredibly accomplished yet humble man – an exceptional role model indeed!
  4. Prof. Mujumdar has been named to the International Program Committee (IPC) of a world-class Research center in Delft, The Netherlands. The Delft University of Technology has recently established the TU Delft Process Technology Institute (DPTI). The Institute comprises 14 full-time Chairs with more than 150 Ph.D. students in three Departments (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Process & Energy) and will focus in the coming years on the multidisciplinary research in the areas of Biochemical Process Engineering, Process Intensification and Process Technology for Advanced Materials.
    For up-to-date information please visit the DPTI website at
  5. Prof. Mujumdar will present a Keynote address on M3TC and also a research paper on LRC Drying Technologies at the Indian Mining Conference to be held in May in Bhubaneswar, India during May 2012.
  6. A TPR member of long-standing, Dr. Chung Lim Law has been elevated to the rank of Full Professor by the University of Nottingham, KL, Malaysia. Hearty congratulations to CL from all TPR members.
  7. Assoc. Prof. Sakamon Devahastin of KMUTT (Prof. Mujumdar’s last but one Ph.D. student at McGill) has authored a book in Thai on Drying of Foods & Biomaterials. It came off the press last month. Hearty congratulations, Sakamon!
  8. Congratulations to Jundika Kurnia on becoming a parent with the arrival of a baby girl.
  9. Another bit of good news: Hafiz Osman is now the proud father of a healthy baby boy born last week. Congratulations to the happy parents from all TPR members.

April 14, 2012

  1. Congratulations and very best wishes from TPR Group to Professor Guohua Chen who assumed Headship of the Chemical Engineering Department at HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong in February 2012. We are sure they already reputed department will scale new heights under Prof. Chen’s stewardship.
  2. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Jundika Kurnia on the arrival of their first baby girl on March 29, 2012.
  3. M3TC is planning a Workshop on Underground Mine Ventilation in early August 2012 with Dr. Jundika, Dr. Poh Hee Joo( IHPC) and Dr. Erik Birgersson as main lecturers.
  4. Prof. Wu Zhonghua of the Tianjin University of Light Industry will visit M3TC/NUS in June and present two seminars on pulse combustion and PC drying of sludge. There is a strong potential for future collaboration between TUST and TPR members.
  5. Drying Technology Journal has an impact factor exceeding 2.0. Our thanks to all referees, authors and editorial team members. It is a massive team effort of dedicated professionals and researchers!
  6. IDS2012 reports receipt of over 350 abstracts for the conference in November 2012.

April 05, 2012

  1. Associate Prof. Sakamon Devahastin’s book on Drying of Foods has just come off the press in the Thai language. He did his Ph.D. with Prof. Mujumdar at McGill University. He earlier edited a book in food engineering which appeared two years ago. Congrats Sakamon from TPR Group! Click here to view the colorful cover of this book.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar delivered a keynote lecture at the IFET2012 conference held in Bangkok end of March 2012. Dr. Sakamon developed an outstanding technical program with internationally recognized experts. The refereed proceedings will likely be available in the e-book format soon.
  3. Three e-book projects are underway currently. One of Solar Energy will appear in the near future.
  4. Drying Technology journal is now in the 30th year of continuous publication with Prof. Mujumdar associated with it from Day 1. He took over from Founding Editor Dr. Carl W. Hall as Editor-in-Chief in 1988. Its impact factor for 2011 is estimated at 2.1 which places it among the top 15 in mechanical engineering journals.
  5. Dr. Agus Sasmito has joined Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi. He is continuing as an active member of TPR. Dr. Jundika Kurnia has joined M3TC as Research Fellow in the Underground Mine Ventilation area.
  6. Prof. Mujumdar initiated a new Research Project Based Learning (RPBL) method for teaching Mass Transport at the postgraduate level. Two-term paper projects carried out by groups of 2 students have now appeared in two major journals viz. Chemical Engineering Science and Chemical Engineering & Processing. Well done to all involved in this successful experiment.
  7. Prof. Mujumdar will present a seminar on M3TC at CSIRO Clayton Laboratories in Australia in mid-April 2012. Click here for the announcement.

March 12, 2012

  1. Prof. Mujumdar is selected as one of the Top 100 Scientists in the World in 2012 by the International Biographical Centre. Click here for the nomination letter.
  2. Drying Technology – An International Journal published by Taylor & Francis is celebrating its 30th year of publication with an impact factor exceeding 2.0 and ranking within Top 15 Mechanical Engineering journals. The cover of the print edition is transformed into GREEN reflecting the need to convert all energy-intensive drying technologies to a high level of efficiency and lower carbon footprints. The journal publishes 16 issues per annum with Prof. Mujumdar as Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin, Dr. Sachin Jangam, Prof. Zhonghua Wu and Prof. Lixin Huang- all mentees of Prof. Mujumdar- are part of the editorial team. Click here for the journal site.
  3. Professor recommends for those interested in creativity and innovation.
  4. Professor Arun S. Mujumdar visited Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering at the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 5-6, 2012 at the invitation of Dean D. J. Lee. He also visited the Chemical Engineering Department at National Taiwan University. He presented a seminar on recent developments as well as R&D needs in Industrial Drying Technologies and provided an overview of challenges in going from lab-scale concepts to industrial-scale novel dryers.
  5. Click here for a review of MEDC 2012 events in pictures.

March 01, 2012

  1. Drying Technology Journal has achieved an Impact Factor in excess of 2 for 2011. Please view the revamped website at
  2. The First Middle East Drying Conference (MEDC2012) held in Ahwaz in February 2012 was a major success with 220 attendees and 100+ papers delivered from 7 countries. Interestingly about 120 of the participants were from industry unlike all other Drying and related conferences held around the world. Dr. Salem Banooni and Prof. Mostafa Alipour were the Principal Organizers of the event recommended by Prof. Mujumdar. Both Dr. Banooni and Prof. Alipour were advised by Prof. Mujumdar in their doctoral research. Congratulations!
  3. Prof. Mujumdar will visit National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science & Technology in Taipei in early March 2012.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar recommends anyone interested in the future of Engineering Education to click the link below for a very thought-provoking article by Prof. Judson King of the University of California, USA.
    Prof. King has worked extensively in freeze and spray drying areas and was a regular participant in the IDS series during the first decade of its start-up.

February 28, 2012

  1. Dr. Mashelkar’s seminar on January 19th, 2012 stressed the value of M(more) from less (L) for M(many) strategies for the emerging economies and gave many examples of MLM innovations including the famous Nano car by Tata Motors in India. Another MLM innovation for the emerging world can be found at the following link which shows how a “Solar Lamp” works. Great idea. It also reduces the carbon footprint!
  2. The following link gives valuable information about publishing in archival journals. Prof. Mujumdar recommends it highly to graduate students, research fellows.
  3. Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar Visiting Fellowship was awarded to Prof. Sakamon Devahastin of the King Mongkut’s University of Technology. Click here to view the fellowship certificate.

February 13, 2012

  1. CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis has invited Prof. Mujumdar to edit the 4th edition of his Handbook of Industrial Drying. This 53 chapter handbook will likely see up to 60 chapters in its 4th edition as a result of nearly exponential growth in drying R&D around the world over the past two decades.
  2. M3TC has published its 4th Newsletter which is available at
  3. The deadline for abstracts submission to IDS2012, Xiamen, China is fast approaching. Please submit your abstracts online.

February 6, 2012

  1. The fourth issue of M3TC Newsletter is now available and has a number of news items contributed by the TPR Group. Please click for the latest newsletter as well as the earlier three. Please forward the link to your own contacts.
  2. Karthik Somasundaram has joined M3TC as Business Development Officer. His task is to develop closer industry contacts and identify R&D projects involving industry-M3TC interaction. Welcome aboard, Karthik! He is expected to submit his Ph.D. thesis in a few weeks.
  3. Marjan and Tongwei are working on their Ph.D. proposals which are to be completed within the next couple of months.
  4. Dr. Agus has joined Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi as a postdoctoral researcher. We wish him well in his new position. TPR will miss his active presence but we will remain in contact with him. Best wishes, Agus.
  5. Work is proceeding well on three e-book projects: vol 4 of Food Dehydration, 2-vol set on Fluidization Engineering and one on Solar energy. All three are expected to appear in the next 3-6 months.
  6. IDS2012 will be held in Xiamen, China in November. Some 400 abstracts have been received by the organizers.
  7. Professor Y. Itaya of Gifu University, Japan – formerly of Nagoya University – will visit M3TC the week of September 2nd, 2012. He is an expert in clean coal technologies as well as bio-energy. He will present two 90-minute lectures on the following topics which are of great interest to some active M3TC projects as well as to faculty members and students interested in the energy sector. Mark your calendar and look for further details at All welcome.
    1) Upgrading of Low-Rank Carbonaceous Resources: Advanced Dewatering and Gasification Technologies
    2) Advances in Clean Coal Technologies- Overview of Japanese Technologies
  8. Professor Mujumdar, Honorary President of MEDC2012, February 2012, has sent a congratulatory message to the first Middle East Conference on Drying in Ahwaz, Iran, for the Opening Ceremony. Click here for the PowerPoint presentation which will appear in the formal MEDC proceedings (CD) along with a number of freely downloadable e-books on drying that TPR Group has edited over the years. Thanks are due to Sachin and Marjan ( for the Farsi translation embedded in the PPT) for putting together this presentation in a remarkably short time.

January 24, 2012

  1. Happy Lunar New Year to all from the TPR network! 2011 has been a highly productive year for TPR and M3TC with very significant research and service output.
  2. Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, National Research Professor, India and President of Global Research Alliance, Australia gave an inspiring, illuminating and instructive 90-minute lecture to over 150 participants at NUS on January 19th. The theme focused on his MLM (More for less for more!) model of innovation. It is applicable to developing as well as developed nations. The key objective is to enhance access for the general global population- not just for some but for all. Click here for an introduction of Dr. R A Mashelkar and to view the poster of the talk, click here. Alumni of ICT, Mumbai hosted a lunch which was very well attended.
  3. Vol 5 (final) of MDT (Modern Drying Technology) is now being prepared. We have 2 chapters being prepared for this series.

December 15, 2011

  1. There will be a number of workshops and conferences in 2012 that the TPR Group is going to be actively involved in. There is a Drying Conference to be held in Ahwaz, Iran. Dr. Xu Peng (Hangzhou) will present a poster paper there. A Food Processing Conference will be held in Bangkok in late March 2012 where Prof. Mujumdar will present a Keynote lecture. Vice President Li Jingai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing has invited Prof. Mujumdar to visit them in May. He also has invitations from China Agri. University, Beijing and Tianjin University of Science and Technology in Tianjin to visit them. In June 2012 the follow-up conference of 2011 on Food Processing will be held in KL, Malaysia. M3TC is planning a workshop in June 2012. IDS2012 will be held in Xiamen in November 2012. Prof. Mujumdar will be a keynote speaker at a Pharma conf in KL in November 2012. The busy year overall. Check conference links at this site for details. Visit for M3TC events.
  2. Dr. Sachin Jangam is working on 2 issues of Drying Technology based on ADC2011 conference papers. These issues will be out in mid-2012. The first 4 issues of LDRT are already completed ahead of schedule.
  3. Dr. Jangam and Dr. Sasmito were guest speakers at a Mine Managers Show Asia2011 in Bali last week.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar will be in India in the latter half and the first half of January 2012. There will be limited internet access during this period. During this visit, Professor Mujumdar will give a talk at ICT, Mumbai, India.
  5. Marjan Shaker has successfully completed her Ph.D. QE on Dec 8, 2011. Congratulations Marjan!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR VISITORS! (Click here to download the New Year card)

November 28, 2011

  1. Volume 4 of Modern Drying Technology, Wiley-VCH, is now published. Sachin Jangam and A S Mujumdar have a chapter on heat pump-assisted drying in this volume.
  2. Statistics related to publications and citations thereto have been compiled by Sachin for the TPR group. Click here for details.
  3. Drying Technology journal will be in 30 years of publication in 2012. Prof. Mujumdar has been actively involved with it since its inception in 1982. He has been the Editor-in-Chief since 1988. Its impact factor is estimated to exceed 2 in 2011.

November 14, 2011

  1. Prof. Mujumdar is recovering from dengue and hence there will be a delay in responding to e-mails and review requests. He will not be able to accept any requests for reviews over the next four weeks.
  2. Volume 4 of Modern Drying Technology ( VCH-Wiley) has just been published. It is part of a 5-volume set edited by Prof. E. Tsotsas and Prof. A.S.Mujumdar.

October 23, 2011

  1. Dr. Sachin Jangam presented a seminar on the Upgrading of Low-Rank Coal on October 21, 2011. It was very well attended by industry personnel and representatives from the commercial sector. The seminar presented an overview of diverse technologies for coal upgrading by thermal dehydration as well as pelletizing and high-pressure water treatment. Moisture re-absorption was identified as a key issue during storage and transportation over long distances.
    M3TC would be interested to hear from interested industrial establishments to look into this technological problem of great importance. Prof. Mujumdar gave a short overview of M3TC activities and welcomed industry partnerships to tackle problems of industry interest.
  2. Volume 4 of Modern Drying Technology (VCH-Wiley, Germany) is in the press and should be published soon.
  3. Several book chapters by TPR members have been completed and are due for publication soon.
  4. Volume 29 of Drying Technology (LDRT) (16 issues) is complete. In fact, No. 2 issue of volume 30 (2012) is already available on-line. The journal will celebrate its three decades of the successful journey with a series of invited reviews as well as special issues with prominent Guest Editors. It will also contain a series of guest editorials documenting the history of the journals as well as some useful statistical analysis of journal publications.

October 3, 2011

  1. One Day Workshop on Industrial Drying: Principles and Practice was held successfully at NUS on October 1, 2011. Over ninety participants were present.
    Aside from graduate students from the NUS ME department, a number of faculty members and graduate students from Malaysia and Indonesia attended this event. Notes of this workshop given by 6 lecturers are available under the e-books section of this website. M3TC sponsored this event. For photos please look up the photo Gallery of this website (2011).

September 26, 2011

  1. Prof.Mujumdar and Dr. Sachin Jangam attended the ADC2011- 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference, in Tianjin September 18-21, 2011. With over 210 attendees from 30 countries and some 160 papers presented this was the largest ADC to date. The next one will be held at the Convention Centre in KL, Malaysia in 2013. IDS2012 will be held in Xiamen in November 2012.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar presented an opening speech and later a plenary lecture. Academician Li of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing presented the second plenary lecture. Dy. Mayor of Tianjin and President of Tianjin University of Science and Technology opened the event. The event was covered extensively by local news media both TV and newspapers. See links below for reports including a video clip in Chinese. The links of the news reports are as follows (Tianjin TV)
  3. M3TC was given special recognition with a citation certificate for a major leadership role in global R&D in industrial Drying through managing the Drying Technology journal, numerous seminal books and also several international events and workshops that promote state on industrial drying around the world. It was noted that Singapore is only next to China in the number of papers contributed to the Drying Technology Journal while Prof. Mujumdar was recognized as the World’s TOP Contributor to Archival Drying Literature with over 250 refereed papers to his credit.
  4. M3TC presented three research papers at ADC2011 and participated actively in its scientific program and organization. Prof.Mujumdar met with several dryer manufacturers and also visited facilities of one of the largest dryer companies in China. Interestingly, many Chinese dryer companies started fabricating vibrated bed dryers after Prof.Mujumdar’s first series of lectures on drying in 1984. Now some 400 companies in China manufacture vibrated bed dryers- probably the most popular dryer in China today.
  5. All ADC2011 participants were given a glossy high-quality book of watercolors by MUJUMDAR family- Prof.Mujumdar, Purnima and Amit. It was very well received. Prof. Henry Chen of Taiwan kindly distributed desk calendars of Prof.Mujumdar’s watercolors ( Sept 2011- December 2012).
  6. Prof. Mujumdar Medal for Outstanding Drying Research and Mentorship was presented to Prof. C. W.Cao of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Although Prof. Cao was unable due to health reasons to come to Tianjin at the Award function, coincidently, Prof. Mujumdar was personally able to present him the medal in person after he gave a seminar at the University in Beijing. Prof. Guohua Chen of HKUST must be credited with the institution of the Medal which recognizes excellence in drying research as well as outstanding mentorship. Few around the world qualify for this award.

September 3, 2011

  1. Dr. Sachin Jangam and Hafiz Osman have designed and edited the first M3TC Newsletter which is available here. Please forward to your contacts in academia and industry for their information.
  2. The one-day Workshop on Industrial Drying to be held on October 1st, 2011 has attracted significant response. Click here for the flyer and registration information.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar will be conferred Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Lyon, France later this year. Details will be posted as they become available.
  4. ADC2011 in Tianjin will be the largest ever ADC with over 150 papers. Aside from the conference proceedings, attendees will receive copies of a book of watercolors by Professor Mujumdar and also a desk calendar both designed by Sachin Jangam. Both are available for download on this website under e-books and on the Home Page.
  5. A new project dealing with ventilation in underground coal mines has just been initiated under M3TC with Dr. Poh Hee Joo as a collaborator.
  6. Drying Technology journal will celebrate 30 years of its existence with a series of special theme issues devoted to the Founding Editor Dr. Carl Hall and the current editor-in-Chief. The journal expects the 2011 Impact Factor to exceed 2.0.
  7. Chapters for the new e-books on Fluidization Engineering are due by mid-December 2011.
  8. Vol. 4 of Modern Drying Technology is in the proof stage and will be off the press in a few months. As before the quality of contributions is very high. This 5-volume set compliments the 3rd edition of the Handbook of Industrial Drying (CRC Press).
  9. Two-term papers submitted as an assignment in ME6203 Mass Transport taught by Prof. Mujumdar this year will soon be submitted to major chemical engineering journals. Visit e-books page to download the e-book containing 5 of the 7 papers submitted.
  10. TPR Group published over 35 journal papers that attracted over 740 citations in 2010. These numbers exclude books citations in books and other languages conference papers etc. Congratulations to all members!

August 30, 2011

  1. Drying Technology – An International Journal will commemorate 30 years of its founding in 2012. The following excerpt from a letter to Prof. Mujumdar from Prof. C. Strumillo of Lodz, Poland is noteworthy. I would like to address THE WORLD DRYING COMMUNITY  with the following APPEAL. To take the opportunity of the Anniversary of the three decades of the  Journal – Drying Technology, to express to Professor Arun S. Mujumdar–  Editor–in–Chief of Drying Technology: an highest appreciation and gratitude for decades of his incessant, visionary devoted, valuable,  activity at the position of Editor–in–Chief of Drying Technology Journal and Professor of Chemical Engineering for the promotion in the world of  Drying Unit Operation as a modern interdisciplinary field.
    Czeslaw Strumillo
    Lodz, Poland.

    Click here for the original e-mail from Prof. Strumillo.

August 16, 2011

  1. An intensive 1-day short course will be hosted by M3TC on Industrial Drying- Principles & Practice on Saturday, October 1, 2011. For details of the program click here. There is a small fee for nonacademic participants but academic participants – graduate students, research fellows, and faculty members may register free of charge. As seats are limited it is necessary to register in advance. Minor changes to the program are possible. This course is unique in that it combines the expertise of some 8 academicians from 6 countries who are all active members of our global TPR network of researchers. In this sense, it is a rare opportunity for participants in the academe as well as the industry in the region.
  2. Dr. Sachin Jangam and Mr. Hafiiz Osman visited Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia and a coal mine (PT Pamapersada Nusantara at Tanjung Enim, Sumatera, Indonesia) during 11-12 Aug 2011. Dr. Jangam presented seminars on NUS, M3TC R&D program as well as the ongoing project on low-rank coal dryer development at M3TC. There is a strong potential for academic collaboration with Prof. M. Faizal of Sriwijaya University. Click here for an in-depth report on the visit.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar will present a Plenary lecture while the TPR group will present several research papers at the 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference, Tianjin, China in September.
  4. Jundika Kurnia has submitted his Ph.D. thesis. He may work with M3TC on the modeling of mine ventilation, dust control, etc.

July 25, 2011

  1. Congratulations to Dr. Agus P. Sasmito for officially receiving his Ph.D. diploma at the Commencement held this month. He is a Research Fellow with M3TC on a mine ventilation modeling project directed by Dr. Erik Birgersson who co-advised his Ph.D. thesis with Prof. Mujumdar. Aside from a number of excellent papers in leading journals, Agus’s thesis is already published as a book. See section under New Books for details.
  2. An e-book comprising of the term paper reports of 5 groups out of 7 who completed the module ME6203 Mass Transport last semester is posted as a freely downloadable e-book on our site. This is the outcome of a new pedagogical experiment Prof. Mujumdar conducted which he calls: Research Project-Based Learning (RPBL). The approach is similar to the well-known PBL (Problem-Based Learning) commonly used over the past decades. The main difference is in the scope of the RPBL approach which makes it suited only for post-graduate modules and requires a significant amount of instructional resources. Essentially students conduct a research project from the definition, review of the literature to the solution of the problem and write-up in the form of a journal paper. It is anticipated that some of the papers will be submitted for journal publication after some revision and additional review/editing. The effort of Dr. Agus, Dr. Jangam and Jundika Kurnia in mentoring the students are much appreciated; this certainly was a major factor in ensuring the success of this new “pedagogical experiment”.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar visited Mining/Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering departments at McGill University, Montreal in June 2011. Areas of common interest include modeling of forced and natural mine ventilation, use of microwave energy to facilitate mining and mineral processing, development of stable nanofluids, and drying technologies. He also met with Prof. Paul Chugh of the University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, IL, USA to discuss underground mine safety, ventilation, dry cleaning of coal and CFD applications in mining.
  4. The latest figures on TPR group publications have just been compiled by Dr. Jangam. To summarize: In 2010 TPR Group published 40 journal papers, 20 conference papers, 6 book chapters, 1 book (edited), etc. There were 740 citations in refereed journals to TPR works. The h-index of Prof. Mujumdar’s 440 journal publications stands at 30. Congratulations to all TPR members for their high research productivity.
  5. The 2010 impact factor for Drying Technology stands at 1.66. We estimate the I F to rise above 2 in 2011. The journal now publishes 16 issues a year-up from 12. The time from acceptance to online publication has now dropped to just 2 months
  6. ADC2011-the 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference – will be held in Tianjin, China in September 2011. TPR members have several presentations scheduled at this conference. Note that the First Middle East Drying Conference will be held in Ahwaz, Iran in February 2012. With the establishment of this new series of conferences devoted to drying basics and technology, all areas of the globe are now covered by international events for the exchange of knowledge about industrial drying.
  7. Volume 3 of Modern Drying Technology edited by Prof. E. Tsotsas and Prof. Mujumdar is now off the press. Here is information about the series, past volumes and the next two volumes. Vol. 4 is now in press; Sachin Jangam and I have a chapter on heat pump drying in this volume.
    Volume 4 deals with energy savings and the optimization of various drying processes in a variety of areas. Reduction of energy usage in drying is becoming an important consideration in the industry in order to conserve the finite fossil fuel resources, reduce carbon footprint and combat climate change. This volume focuses on the following areas: Energy analysis of dryers, solid-liquid separation processes, and techniques, osmotic dehydration, heat pump assisted drying technology, zeolite usage, solar drying, drying and heat treatment for solid wood and other biomass sources and sludge thermal processing. Released Volumes of Modern Drying Technology-published by VCH-Wiley, Germany

    • Volume 1: Computational Tools at Different Scales
      ISBN 978-3-527-31556-7
    • Volume 2: Experimental Techniques
      ISBN 978-3-527-31557-4
    • Volume 3: Product Quality and Formulation
      ISBN 978-3-527-31558-1

    Forthcoming Volumes of Modern Drying Technology

    • Volume 5: Process Intensification
      ISBN 978-3-527-31560-4
    • Set (Volume 1-5)
      ISBN 978-3-527-31554-3

June 25, 2011

  1. Prof. Mujumdar visited McGill University, Montreal, Canada and met with several professors in Mining Engineering and in Chemical Engineering Departments. In ChE, Prof. Munier has developed a patented process for making stable CNT nanofluids which are stable also upon repeated boiling. This area appears to have the potential for some collaboration with our group and Prof. Saif of ChBE at NUS. He also discussed sustainable mining issues with Prof. Hassani. Areas of interest are energy reduction in mining/mineral processing by microwave-assisted cracking of mineral rocks, robotics in mining, natural ventilation of mines, etc. The next World Mining Conference & Expo after the Istanbul conference in September 2011 (we have a paper there) will be held in Montreal in September 2013. Over 2000 delegates are expected.
  2. We have a significant number of journal papers accepted by various journals in the last 4 weeks. Congratulations to the authors!
  3. We propose to hold a day-long short course on Industrial Drying in October 2011. It will start with basic principles and then consider in parallel sessions Dehydration of Coal and Biomass, and Drying of Foods and Pharmaceuticals.
    We will also hold a seminar on “Upgrading of low-rank coals” later this year.

June 15, 2011

  1. The First Middle East Drying Conference (MEDC) has been announced. It will be held in Ahwaz, Iran in February 2012. Dr. Salem Banooni will be the Programme Chair. Please visit for details and announcements. It is the first time this region of the world will have an international conference focusing on drying and allied issues.
  2. The third volume in the series Modern Drying Technology (Editors: E. Tsotsas and A.S. Mujumdar) is in the press and should be off the press in a few weeks. Volume 4 in this 5-volume series is also complete and ready for production.
  3. Karthik, S. will present two papers at ICMAT, a major international conference being held in Singapore during this month.

June 8, 2011

  1. Prof. Mujumdar was an examiner for two Ph.D. theses at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. On his return leg, he attended the Int. Food Eng. Conference (World Series held every four years) and presented a Keynote Lecture in Athens in May.
  2. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin successfully held a Workshop on Dehydration of food and biomaterials at KMUTT, Bangkok, June 6-7, 2011.
  3. An outcome of ME6203 Mass Transport is an e-book on the Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes. This book compiles the project reports that students prepared and presented as a result of the new Research Project Based Learning (RPBL) introduced for the first time by Prof. Mujumdar. Readers are invited to download (free) and go through the contents of this e-book. This book includes a number of results obtained for the first time and thus RPBL resulted in some original contribution to knowledge as well.
  4. Jundika Kurnia has nearly completed his first draft of his Ph.D. thesis which will be submitted soon.
  5. Impact Factor for Drying Technology journal is estimated to be about 1.7 for 2010. For 2011 our preliminary estimates place it at well over 2.0 bringing it in line with top journals in chemical engineering.

May 18, 2011

  1. Honorary Doctorate Nomination: Professor Arun S Mujumdar has been nominated by the Board of the Scientific Council of University of Lyon I, Lyon, France, to receive Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary Doctorate). The formal function will be held later in 2011. University of Lyon I is ranked among the top five multidisciplinary comprehensive universities in France. Visit In June 2008 Professor Mujumdar was conferred Doctor Honoris Causa by Lodz Technical University, Lodz, Poland.

May 14, 2011

  1. Dr. Arasu has nearly completed is the term here under a Govt. of India major fellowship award. He will return to India on May 26th. He worked here on the modeling of PCM storage systems for low and high-temperature solar applications. Agus and Jundika collaborated with him actively during his stay which has resulted in a number of papers that will be submitted in the near future for journal publication. We expect some future collaboration will continue in the coming years particularly in the solar thermal area. All the best, Dr. Arasu, from the TPR group!
  2. Dr. Joshua Kuma- one of the founding members of M3TC has moved on to other challenging professional activities. He served effectively as Director(Operations) for M3TC for about three and a half years. We wish him well in his future endeavors and thank him for his valuable contributions right from the start-up period.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar will visit Norway and Greece for the examination of Ph.D. theses at NTNU and for presenting a Keynote lecture at a major international conference in food engineering in the latter half of May 2011.
  4. A new project on modeling of mine ventilation including control of dust load will be initiated soon in collaboration with Dr. Poh Hee Joo of IHPC (Institute for High-Performance Computing) under M3TC. We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate with CFD expertise to work as a Research Fellow.
  5. Dr. Sachin Jangam was recently recognized with an award at recently held Symposium on Food Processing held in KL. He was cited for his innovative research in drying and professional development contribution via editing of several e-books which are freely downloadable from our site.
  6. Dr. Sakamon Devahastin will chair a workshop on Drying of Foods etc at KMUTT, Bangkok in early June 2011.

April 26, 2011

  1. Prof. Mujumdar returned from a successful and memorable visit to Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz. He presented lectures on his research activities as well as discussed research of mutual interest with faculty members and graduate students. He visited Amir Akbar University, Iran University of Science & Technology, University of Isfahan and Agricultural Research Institute in Shiraz. He was highly impressed with the quality of research as well as the talent of graduate students and staff. Click here to view the seminar announcement at Amirkabir University.
  2. The Term Paper project reports in ME6203 Mass Transport will be compiled as an e-book for free downloading in about two months. This is part of a new Research Project-Based Learning Approach to graduate teaching spearheaded by Prof. Mujumdar.
  3. ADC 2011 to be held in Tianjin, China in September 2011 has attracted over 180 abstracts – a record for ADC series. It is heartening to see a rising interest in drying R&D on a global scale.

April 14, 2011

  1. Professor Mujumdar has been invited to several major Iranian universities in Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz. Click here for Synopsis of his seminar to Mech. Eng Department at Iran University of Science & Technology. A number of his Ph.D. students (from McGill Univ., Canada) are professors in Iranian universities.
  2. The International Symposium on Processing of Foods held in KL, Malaysia, April 11-12, 2011, was a major success. Dr. Sachin Jangam of TRP Group has presented an award for his contribution to drying R&D and sustainability. The quality of the presentations was very high. The proceedings of selected papers will appear as a free e-book in 4 months.
  3. The Workshop on Mathematical Modeling held at NUS held on April 9, 2011 ( co-organized by M3TC and ME Department) was also a major success. Also, the proceedings will appear as a free e-book soon. It was a follow up of the event held in 2009 focusing on modeling in mineral, mining and materials processing- areas of M3TC interest.
  4. A very recent paper co-authored by Agus, Jundika, and Mujumdar and published in Zhejiang University Journal was listed amongst the top 10 papers downloaded in 2010. This is commendable since the paper appeared only a few months ago.

March 14, 2011

  1. Prof. Guohua Chen of the Chemical Engineering Department of HKUST, Hong Kong was among the three recipients of a major award for Excellence in Research, 2010-2011.
    Dr.Guohua – a Ph.D. from McGill from Prof.Mujumdar’s group and an active TPR Group network member- received a research grant and an honorarium in recognition of his excellent research in several areas including drying, environmental remediation, clean coal, and biomass technology, etc. Congratulations, Guohua!
  2. TPR Group members are encouraged to join the E4C site which is co-sponsored by ASME, IEEE, and Engineers without borders to connect on global scale engineers and humanitarian organizations in need of engineering assistance for success. I believe we all can contribute to welfare projects around the world by helping find innovative, sustainable, smart, affordable and relevant engineering solutions to problems of the developing world. Our free e-books projects is a small contribution in this overall direction as well.
  3. The announcement for IDS2012 in Xiamen will appear soon. Prof. Dong Chen who holds a joint appointment at Xiamen University and Monash University is the Chairman. IDS series was founded by Prof. Mujumdar in 1978 while he was at McGill University, Montreal. The multi-disciplinary field of drying R&D did not exist in any shape or form before this initiative which was carried forward single-handedly and quickly became a global icon in the field. Unlike most specialized conferences that have a half-life of under a decade, this series has been growing globally and has also spawned several regional conference series also spearheaded and co-founded by Prof. Mujumdar.

March 8, 2011

  1. Some really good news: Prof. Susheng Pang of the University of Canterbury -we have collaborated with him in TPR Group for many years- has been elected to the prestigious Fellowship of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) and also is elected Fellow of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ). Hearty congratulations, Shusheng, from TPR Group.
  2. Professor Y. Itaya -a long-time research collaborator of Professor Mujumdar covering over two decades- has been named Professor at Gifu University, Japan. He will move there from Nagoya University. TPR Group extends its hearty congratulations to Prof. Itaya. He and Prof. Pang along with Prof. Guohua Chen of HKUST will participate in a forthcoming workshop on Coal/Biomass Technologies planned under the umbrella of M3TC in mid-September 2011.
  3. Dr. Xu Peng is in the process of developing the second volume of the e-book entitled Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes. Please contact him if you wish to submit a chapter for it.
  4. Click here for details of a tentative program on an M3TC Workshop on Sept 16, 2011, regarding Coal and biomass Technologies
  5. A workshop on drying is planned for June 6, 2011, in Bangkok. For the program please click here.

March 4, 2011

  1. Prof. Mujumdar has been invited to visit and to present seminars on TPR Group’s recent research projects at several major universities in Iran viz. Teheran University, Amirakbar University, Isfahan University, Agricultural Engineering Research University of Shiraz, etc in the third week of April. He has several of his Ph.D. students from McGill University who are professors at various universities in Iran. Some are contributing to the freely downloadable e-books project that our group (TPR) initiated two years ago. There is a global warm reception to this novel concept of true professional service disseminating useful refereed knowledge to those who need it on a worldwide scale. We believe that this will have  a valuable positive impact as the themes we have selected deal with improving the efficiency of operations in the nexus of food, energy, and water
  2. There is an excellent response to the International Symposium being organized by Dr. Chung Lim Law and his team at the University of Nottingham, KL campus, April 11-12, 2011. The program can be found under conference links. Another program more focused on drying of foods will be held at KMUTT, Thonburi, Thailand on June 6, 2011.
  3. A half-day workshop is planned under M3TC/NUS which will deal with Modeling of Transport Processes on Saturday, April 9, 2011. It will be free. Details to be available soon.
  4. Abstracts are due before the end of the month for ADC2011, Tianjin, China, September 2011. Prof. Mujumdar has been invited to give a Plenary Lecture on R&D, Innovation, and Role of Industry-Academe Interaction.
  5. IDS2012 will be held in Xiamen, China in late 2012. Details will be available in the near future.
  6. Our group will initiate a new research project on modeling mine ventilation including dust and methane management systems.
  7. Our paper on Nanofluids Heat Transfer ( Wang Xiangqi and A S Mujumdar ) has generated a tremendous global response, culminating in a citation count approaching the two hundred mark.

February 10, 2011

  1. Congratulations to Agus on his Ph.D. defense! He is now a Research Engineer working on an M3TC project on mine ventilation.
  2. Prof.Maria Laura Passos- a Ph.D. student of Prof. Mujumdar from McGill- formerly of Belo Horizonte, Brazil and now based in Montreal- has initiated a 2-volume set of e-books on Fluidization Engineering with two co-editors (from Brazil and Thailand). Already she has succeeded in enlisting reputable authors for this peer-reviewed book. They will be freely available like our other five e-books already completed here in our TPR Group.
  3. The KL Symposium program is now almost final. Click here for the brochure.  Although initially planned as a workshop it is now initiated as a Symposium and may become a biennial affair.
  4. Click here for a workshop program for Bangkok on June 6th. Again TPR developed the program with the assistance of Dr. Devahastin at KMUTT.
  5. Again 2010 has been a bumper year for TPR’s research output with over 35 journal papers, several books. many keynote lectures, about 20 conference papers, etc. Congratulations to all group members for their high level of productivity!

January 19, 2011

  1. Vol. 2 of Drying of Foods, Vegetables, and Fruits is now ready and available on our websites for free downloading. It is compiled by Dr. Sachin Jangam with the help of Dr. Chung Lim Law of the University of Nottingham, KL campus. Congratulations!  Vol. 3 in this series should be ready in 3-4 months.
  2. Dr. Maria Passos is heading the editorial team to produce high quality, peer-reviewed 2-volume set of e-books on Fluidization Engineering. It is a truly international effort with recognized experts in the field participating in the great professional service.
  3. The Symposium on Food Processing will be held in KL April 11-12, 2011. Dr. Law is the Program Chair. The Bangkok Workshop in Drying of Foods will be held at KMUTT on June 6, 2011.  Programs for both will be posted soon.
  4. Prof. Mujumdar will likely lecture at select universities in Iran possibly in April 2011. Dates have yet to be firmed up. He will give a keynote lecture at an international conference in Athens on Food Engineering in the third week of May after attending a Ph.D. oral examination in Trondheim, Norway.
  5. February 2011 issue of Drying Technology is available online much sooner than in earlier years. We will now publish 16 rather than 12 issues per year. The estimated impact factor of the journal is over 1.60 for 2010. It is expected to exceed 2 in 2011 with changes in online publication schedule and reduced waiting time for accepted papers.
  6. Three major international Drying conferences will be held between June and October 2011. Nordic (NDC) conference in Helsinki in June, Asia-Pacific conference in Tianjin, China in September,  and EuroDrying Conference in Spain in October. In addition, the biennial Chinese Drying Conference will be held in October 2011. This reflects the continuing rise of interest in drying R&D.
  7. An e-book entitled Topics in Heat and Mass Transfer has been compiled elegantly by Dr. Jangam. It is now available on our sites. It consists of PPT handouts of guest lectures to be presented as an integral part of ME6203 Mass Transport, 2010-2011, given by Prof. Mujumdar.
  8. Agus Pulung Sasmito of the TPR group will defend his Ph.D. work on February 9th. His work deals with thermal management of PEM fuel cell stacks. He is currently modeling mine ventilation in an M3TC project.

January 10, 2011

  1. Happy New Year to all visitors to this page. You can still download freely a 2011 Calendar featuring watercolors by Prof. Mujumdar, Purnima Mujumdar, and Amit Mujumdar- all started this as a hobby only recently. It is available on our homepage. Feel free to forward, print, etc as you deem necessary.
  2. Prof. Mujumdar now has a book on Drying in French-coauthored with Prof. Cesar Kapescu of France. Now his books have appeared in Chinese, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia, Hungarian, Farsi, etc. The general level of interest in drying has been rising globally. With a focus on the nexus of food, water and energy-all of these have implications in drying technologies- it is hardly surprising that drying R&D will attract even more attention from emerging nations in particular. Already the BRIC nations have overtaken the lead in drying R&D. If and when South Africa joins BRIC, that would be the only nation with little known R&D activity in drying. Over 50 countries participate regularly in the IDS series. IDS2012 will be held in Xiamen in 2012 while ADC2011 will also be held in China -in Tianjin in September 2011. Euro Drying conference will be held in Spain in October 2011.
  3. Prof. Mujumdar will present a keynote at a global Food Engg conference in Athens in May. He has also been invited to give an invited lecture (nanofluids heat transfer) in Turkey in June. There is a plan to visit several major universities in Iran in April, where a number of his PhDs (from McGill days) are professors.
  4. Prof.Mujumdar will lecture in a workshop in Bangkok on January 28th. A second one day workshop is planned in June while a 2-day Symposium on Food Processing will be held during April 11-12 in Kuala Lumpur. The planned workshop on math modeling in Singapore will now be converted to a series of weekly lectures and integrated with Prof.Mujumdar’s postgraduate course in mass transport. An e-book consisting of PowerPoint handouts of five lectures will also be uploaded for free distribution/access very soon.
  5. Dr. Sachin’s study of archival publications data of ME faculty shows that the faculty are highly productive with an average of 7 journal papers per faculty member in 2010. Prof. Mujumdar tops the list with 34 (click here to see bar-chart). It is interesting to note that his citation count for 2010 alone is well over 700; the total count is about 7000. Additionally, he has over 500 citations in Chinese language journals as well which is not covered by ISI.
  6. We have several new members and new projects in TPR as of this month. One new Ph.D., one MEng, and one Final Year research student have initiated research. Our pilot-scale screw conveyor dryer for pulverized coal is under construction. Prof. Maria Aparacida of Brazil will visit us in early March and will give a talk on Brazil’s famous biofuels program (ethanol from cane sugar).
  7. Drying Technology will publish 16 issues per year from 2011-up from 12 issues. Prof. Mujumdar reviews all referee-accepted manuscripts before final acceptance. The impact factor for 2010 is estimated to be around 1.6. As of 2011 electronic versions of accepted papers will be available sooner than the printed versions, which should please authors (and editors as well!).
  8. Our TPR group has received numerous invitations to write book chapters. Many have been completed and a new one has just arrived. The second volume on Foods Drying (e-book) is almost ready for posting within a couple of weeks.


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